“Starke Bereitschaft”: 80 students spend in the Josefstadt Blut

Students and students live in the Josefstadt in a Zeichen, life. Up to 80 people participate in a major English promotion of the Akademikerhilfe and the Roten Kreuzes Blut.

WIEN/JOSEFSTADT. College students and college students are broke for good money. With this interim thank you, the lives of students in the financial sector are extended. In a great English action you spend nämlich Studierende im Studentenheim Pfeilgasse 3a Blut.

Insgesamt nahmen 101 Personen und der Aktion teil, davon konnten 84 erolgreich Blut spenden. The care taken by the organizers is a matter of concern for them and they are willingly absent from it. Rund die Hälfte alle Spenderinnen en Spender were besagte Eerstespender.

Part of student life

Grund für de Aktion war, dass de Akademikerhilfe in Kooperation mit dem Kreuz versucht, Blutspendenaktionen zum Files van Lebens der Studenten zu machen. “Gemeinsam mit dem Österreichischen Roten Kreuz möchten wir die größte
Blutspenden campaign for study results and brokespending zum
Festivals Component of student life in the Häusern der
Akademikerhilfe machen”, erklärt Bernhard Tschreptitsch, Generalsekretär der

Man was one of the highest students' positive attitude. | Photo: Harald Klemm

Register with Alexander Preyer, Landesgeschäftsleiter des Wiener Roten Kreuzes, in Wort. Those will promote the great Bereitschaft, where the students and students in the Josefstadt and the Tag will live and be the father of general prosperity. Abschließend sprach Preyer nor the most important question of the action is: “Blutspenden rettet Leben, and the study results are one of the most important results here.”

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Josefstädter Floristen geben Einblicke

Three new Stolpersteine ​​​​see the Josefstadt


Das Café Zeitlos has had an inclusive meeting place for Bewohner, Besucher and Mitarbeiter since February 2024. | Photo: Café Zeitlos


Cafe Zeitlos

A social meeting point with Fokus included

Since February 2024, the nursing home in Liesing is an institutional reicher. With the Café Zeitlos an Ort der Inclusie would be created, one could meet oneself Besucher and Residents at a Cafe. Das Café Zeitlos is a Treffpunkt, the Fokus auf soziale Inklusion participates in the collaboration with the Wiener Gesundheitsverbund entstanden ist. If “Wir” is the “Ich” and “Gemeinsamkeit”, it is “Einsamkeit” here in the foreground, a recording of the base. Occupied, Angehörige,…

Photo: VOR/Josef Bollwein Flash face


Where is Euer Öffi-Star?

This means that within 40 years you will receive a certificate from the Transport Association in the Eastern Region with the Öffi-Preis VORward die Leistungen signal Partner. Jetzt seid Ihr dran! What is a credible Öffi-Lenker test? Since 40 years, the Eastern Region Transport Association (VOR) has become more welcoming and friendly to the environment. When the anniversary of the Verkehrsverbund falls on jene Menschen, the Verkehr in the Ostregio is the first possible: the Mitarbeiter*innen of the VOR and the blessing partner. The Öffi Prize…

If Sony launches a new gaming handheld, it will depend on more factors. Laut Bloomberg sollen die Entwicklungsarbeiten jedoch bereits laufen.(Symbolbild)

Gaming console

Do you want Sony to be in the Handheld market?

Bloomberg’s Wirtschaftsmagazine has added Sony to one of its next gaming consoles. The Gaming Handheld has its own standard gaming equipment. There are handheld mode devices that allow Sony to improve sales. Many gamers may not have made it to the Sony PSP or the PS Vita, but most people can enjoy it for years. Mittlerweile is the installation of portable gaming devices. Viele namhafte Firmen…

Photo: VOR/Josef Bollwein Flash face


Wählt Eure dearest bus line

Since 40 years, the Eastern Region Transport Association (VOR) has become more welcoming and friendly to the environment. Im Rahmen eines Publikumsvotings can nue es einem bei eine Bus-Linie wählen. B01 (Burgenland I) Route: Güssing – Oberwart – Wien Karlsplatz U Length: 165 km Travel time: 2 ½ hours Stops: 60 Routes: Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland (VBB) Characteristic: Fahrgaststärkste Pendler-Fernbuslinie der Ostregion; Stops in 4 Bundesländern (Burgenland, Steiermark, Niederösterreich,…

Mario & Luigi: Brothership is an absentee, the youth of the entire generation of humorous and low-key feature films. | Photo: Nintendo


Test “Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood”

On Kreuzfahrt zu den Driftinseln

I am the last of the two Klempner-Brüder Mario and Luigi, Mario & Luigi: Brothership since its inception: After all, Konektania is the future, power is the sympathetic duo and the ascendant, Konektania wieder zu komplettieren. With the Spaß power, we can clear it in the Diesem Test. The direction we choose is intended for Mario and Luigi. Not that the two brothers fly in the Adern Abenteuerblut, and it was ausmachen würde. When Mario tells a mysterious story…

Gerade in the calm years is an Aufenthalt in the Thermenhotel that is better. Report an einfach for the Wiener newsletter and one of the many results that part of the Thermenwochenende has yielded. Fell Gluck! | Photo: Elitetours



Thermenwochenende for two persons at the Hotel Europa Fit Héviz ****

Urlaubsreif? Dann has the right game for euch! Gemeinsam with our Partner Elite Tours has won the chance for a thermal week in Heviz zu. Does a full trip at Hotel Europa Fit Heviz**** with the Elite Tours Thermenshuttle sound exciting? Werper and Geist can know more, perhaps it is true that: Einfach für the Wiener Newsletter is registered and a Verlosung teilnehmen! Dear subscribers will automatically join Monat….

Photo: WLB Zinner



Vote for the Bahn-Linie belieb tests

If you vote for the Öffi-Star and the popular Bus-Linie, you cannot of course vote for the most likely Bahn-Linie. We have chosen the favorite moods, while the next Bahn-Line has been given a chance. Since 40 years, the Eastern Region Transport Association (VOR) has become more welcoming and friendly to the environment. When the anniversary of the Verkehrsverbund falls on your people, the first Verkehr in the Eastern Region is possible: Die…


From 25.11.2024 to 30.11.2024 you will find more about the Adventausstellung der Gärtnerei Fassl statt. | Photo: Gärtnerei Fassl


Gärtnerei Fassl in 1190 Wien Döbling

Einladung zur Adventausstellung

The tradition of the Gärtnerei Fassl in Döbling lasts from 25.11.2024 to 30.11.2024 for the Adventausstellung ein. During the Advent season and during the Christmas period there are many beautiful things, gifts and other decoration and gift ideas among the gardeners, the family and friends. The team of the Gärtnerei Fassl will be happy to welcome you from 25.11.2024 to 30.11.2024 to finish your adventure. No tradition, modern and actually…




Mauro Mittendrin

Say Cheese! Unsichtbare Zahnspange in Wien: Ihr Weg zu einem strahlenden Lächeln

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In the Teppichwerkstatt Aylin finds the knowledge and knowledge of a great Australian and wonderful oriental teppichen vor. Repairs and cleaning of teppichen are carried out. | Photo: Aylin


Teppichwerkstatt Aylin in 1180 Wien Währing

Teppichreinigung phase-cleaning, deep-cleaning and zum fairen Preis

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Mauro Mittendrin

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