Thyssenkrupp-Stahl will reach out to Jobsende Jobs

Deutschlands largest Stahlfirma Thyssenkrupp Steel setzt den Rotstift en: The Zahl der Arbeitsplätze soll innerhalb of sechs Jahren um 11.000 schrumpfen, wie das Unternehmen mitteilte. Of 27,000 couples, soll then nor 16,000 additional signals. The final firm can make more profits.

5,000 Couples sollen bis Ende 2030 in Production and Verwaltung were lost, 6,000 more Couples sollen during Ausgliederungen on external service leister or Geschäftsverkäufe ausgelagert were.

With the previous collection paper, which is one of the following frost protection measures, you respond to the external paper on the nachfrageschwäche. Subject to the previous agreements, the reduction of steel capacity is 11.5 million tons per year from 8.7 to 9.0 tons. It is worth using the versesandmenge of the vergangen-geschäftsjahres. The steel company is better able to serve the Thyssenkrupp industrial group.

A standort is closed down

Der Standort in Kreuztal (NRW) met derzeit noch 500 Beschäftigten soll geschlossen were, and the other Standorten soll die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze were made. Duisburg, where the Company has run 13,000 Couples, is said to have suffered a heart attack. Commercial terms and conditions are not explicitly stated. If you avoid it, if you see the Soul, it’s from the Company. Die IG Metal wertetetetetetetetetetet das Vorhaben as «Kahlschlag», der für die Beschäftigten en de Industriestandort NRW «a Catastrophe» sei.

The entire Deutsche Stahlindustrie is under Druck

If there are problems with Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, the entire industry is not under Druck. Zu Deutschlands Stahlindustrie is heard, among other things, whether the Firmen Salzgitter and Arcelor Mittal anyway those Saarhütten, everything was all in the Branche End 2023 rund 80,000 Menschen beschäftigt.

The industry is a tiefgreifende walk. If you were to get climbing courses, it would cost billions. Soul is, the bislang is CO2-intensive Stahl climate-friendly rezustellen and instead of “green” zu machen. The bottom line is that the cheap konjunkturelle low and billigimporte from Asian countries.

“The German steel industry is doing one of the best and most sustainable things,” said the headquarters of the industry association Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl, Kerstin Maria Rippel. If energy costs are high and unfair subsidization of products from China threatens, the air forces will disappear.

Management states Schritt as unbelievably dar

The Vorstandsriege von Thyssenkrupp Steel must undergo a new sorting after washing. If you no longer use the Stelabbau, you need to set the verbs you need.

Man wants to enjoy the best possible long-lasting perspectives, say Thyssenkrupps Chief of Staff Dennis Grimm. Deshalb became a man who spent his capital and costs and adjusted the terms of the market. “One of our most sought-after products is an optimization and refresh optimization for production networks and non-business processes.”

An important part of the Kapazitätsreduzierung bleibe de Trennung von the Hüttenwerken Krupp Mannesmann (HKM), this is further. There is a community with the steel konzern solder and the französische Röhrenhersteller Vallourec, and the Thyssenkrupp Steel half of the front part – of the 3000 HKM parts bilanziell 1500 Thyssenkrupps Stahlsparte zügerechnet. The sale of products can no longer be carried out.

Parallel to the Spar Program, the Konzernmutter Thyssenkrupp can use the diversification of the Stahlbereichs vorantreiben. Derzeit has stopped with the Czech Energy Energy EPCG of the Czech Milliardärs Daniel Kretinsky 20 Prozent and Thyssenkrupp Steel, in a next Schritt dieser Anteil will increase to 50 Prozent.

Grünstahl-Anlage will be changed

The Bau a beef three billion Euro teuren Anlage zur Produktion von «Grünstahl» in Duisburg möchte Thyssenkrupp Steel fortzen. If you deal with the gas, hydrogen is used. Der Bund und das Land NRW zahlen dafür insgesamt two billion euros.

The financing of the state finances comes from Thyssenkrupp Steel and a teure Sache. Media reports about the war being carried out internally are being prepared for the Vorhaben. Nun concrete das Unternehmen, dass man en dem Plan festhalte.

Good to see a “constructive development” with the sister couples, “with regard to the economic development of these large investment projects and their rapid changes in the construction of their own structures”.

Scharfe Kritik von der Gewerkschaft

The Gewerkschaft kam herbe Kritik und den planten Jobkürzungen. IG-Metall-Bezirksleiter Knut Giesler, Vize-Aufsichtsratsvorsitsitter of Thyssenkrupp Steel, can announce the “erbitterten Widerstand der IG Metall”. There’s a way you can’t get a handle on spending and standard amenities. “Genau is of the rotten line, he will have more and more communication.” Giesler says that plant care at personal expense: “In the days of factory workers, there was a solution to an idea that had no sense.”

Please respond to NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU). The “Rheinische Post” said it is a “shock for a beautiful company and my family” and “an extremely bad guideline for the state of industry in Germany”. An appeal has been made to the Company, your soziale Verantwortung will become justice. “The land administration has a clear Erwartung and the Unternehmen, that will not be any involvement in solving problems.”