New details about Flugzeug-Crash in Lithuania – Scholz speaks about Russia-Suspicious

Absturz-Überlebender: Keine Anzeichen auf ungewöhnliche Aktivitäten an Bord

8.22 am: Four people start with the board of the detachable machine. One of the descriptions that are with the Absturz is still a matter of a German – were treated in the medical Krankenhaus. The overload occurs when the Ermittler is now in the Absturzursache. Konnte nach Angaben von Polizeichef Arunas Paulauskas in Krankenhaus could be spoken with. If you have found a new company on the air traffic control board or indoor air, it is a sign that you are in litauian ferns. It is a matter of doing it, when the Flug routine begins and then an upward movement on the bottom surface has occurred.

Absturz eines DHL-Frachtflugzeugs: Kiesewetter hält russian Sabotage für conceivable

7.17 am: Through the stellar representatives of parliamentary controls in the Bundestag, Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU) has decided that a Russian sabotage action will be carried out by a DHL cargo flight in Lithuania.

“Those Untersuchungen müssen noch abgewartet become. A recovery in the event of sabotage is the most prudent Zuordnung beziehungsweise Attribuierung”, as it is “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland”. ‘After the war failed, the war with DHL in August and the warning of the nachrichten service in October are more and more in the Russian strategy: terror and spread of the war and logistical path to military battle. Then it is not the case that there is fear and indignation, but a military preparedness.”

„Keine äußeren Einflüsse“: Litauische Polizei gibt neue Details zur Absturz bekannt

6.13 am: The Lithuania police received a new knowledge of the darkness tomorrow. Polizei General Arūnas Paulauskas said, the community of the infidels, that the Vorfall would not go through a quarrel.

Dennoch says there is a possible sabotage. Sollte der Flugzeugabsturz auf äuserere Einflüsse zurückzuführen sein, dannte “een Art Abschwächung von Funkfrequenzen” der Grund sein. This can be the best way to get into the flow, “if it is in the packaging chain, the irgendwho a board of the Flugzeugs is depending on what can happen,” it says again.

Steckt Russia hinter dem Absturz? Scholz: “It’s so much fun”

Duty day, November 26, 5:39 am: Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) said in the ZDF “heute journal” about the Frage, ob Russland hinter dem Absturz stecke: “We are happy with it, but we can never forget it.” .“ Formen sogenannter-hybrideer Kriegsführung seien gegenwärtig auch in Deutschland festzustellen. “It was only then that it became an admission of guilt when he died after being fully convicted.”

Pistorius: Keine Erkenntnisse über Sprengsatz in Maschine

10:50 PM: The German Defense Ministry is lying about the fact that there is an important Sprengsatz on the Vilnius board, which DHL-Frachtflugzeugs vor has used. The Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD) was meeting with the Kollegen from France, Great Britain, Poland and Italy in Berlin with a journalistic fragment of it.

Man has gone out of his way to say that it is “good that the sensitivity is as high as the best load”, while Pistorius gets no further. “Slightly clearing will happen, but there will never be a hundred percent of security in that field. “Aber die Lücken, die es gibt, die man recognisten, müssen geschlossen” said the Minister and said: “We see the common air service as the military one.”

Polizei: “Kein Feuer an Bord des Flugzeugs, bevor es auf den Boden aufschlug”

9:45 p.m.: The Lithuania police first took charge of the security of the assembly in Vilnius. ‘If the contact continues, it may be a bit spprochen, our Ermittler has worked with his spprochen. After it was first known that there was no Feuer, Rauch or other irgendet was a plate of the Flugzeugs, before it shot Boden, it is not the intention that the Police General Arūnas Paulauskas came in a Sondersendung von TV3 am Montagabend.

Ermittlungen „in all directions“: Baerbock schließt Sabotage nicht in

5.37 pm: A minister of Annalena Baerbock has an idea about a flow of refugees from Germany in the Lithuania, which demands complete control. The two Länder have taken their time “in all directions”, while the Grünen Politician in the Rand has a meeting with the G7 Außenminister in the Italian city of Fiuggi. The Baerbock Castle has no technical problem with the operation of an absolutely rebeigeführten-absturzes nicht aus.

The Minister of Concrete is cooperating with the regulations in Germany and Lithuania in implementing all possible measures. “Das unterstreicht, in was für Zeiten wir leben.” In Europe, it has become more “hybrid Angriffe” in the young Zeit for a number of individuals or infrastructure companies, such as Baerbock. The safety of critical infrastructure is especially important.

Baerbock is not suitable for the Absturz keine direkten Vorwürfe gegen single Personen or Staaten. Glancing at Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin, he said: “The Russian president wouldn’t even have gotten into trouble, but it’s not like the American president is going to play Bundestagswahl in Germany.”

Lithuania’s State President views Absturzort

4.13 pm: Lithuania’s State President Gitanas Nauseda has taken into account the absence of freight transport services in Vilnius, which is why the postal services of DHL have been removed. Together with the German Botschafter Cornelius Zimmermann and the Spanish Kollegin María Nieves Blanco Díaz, as head of state of the Baltic EU countries, an image of the future of the flight from Vilnius and conversation with residents.

“That Untersuchung has never disappeared and there is no question of Fachleuten in my area over time. If I want to know that everything has been clarified and clarified in detail”, the nausea is caused by one of the unsatisfactory explanations. The Litauische Staatschef concrete, that man is aware of all possible situations beforehand: “We do not know who will be affected by the consequences of the Untersuchung, but it is clear that we will not be confronted with panic failures and entscheidungen, who will not be based on facts.” .

Experte: Routine communication for Absturz

2:44 p.m.: In Lithuania, the problem disappears after the fall of the mysterious flight, while the DHL postal service unleashes the war. The communication between the pilots and the tower has produced a message from Lithuania radio stations that is not based on the Landeanflug in a failure or other irregular manner.

In de veröffentlicht, Mitschnitt is a full-fledged ruhig and routine-executed treatise of the vernehmen, which says a rundfunk fragmented litauische Luftfahrt expert. „Ohne auf Details einzugehen, cann man sagen, dass die Piloten keine Gefahr and keine Probleme reportedet haben. There is a routine communication, a einfacher Sinkflug“, the Vidas Kaupelis of the Vilnius University after the Anhoren der Aufzeichnung, die nach seinen in Internet versügbar en nicht vertraulich sei. There are more videos, which have been made available from coordinating chambers or augzeugen and from litauian media, from the first view on Turbulens op Landeanflug hin.

Die Behörden leiteten Ermittlungen zur Ursache des Unglücks ein. It’s one of the few ways you can sabotage or commit a terrorist attack. If you started operating cargo flights in Leipzig, it is a machine of the Spanish Fluggesellschaft Swift Air, with DHL service. Swift Air is DHL eligible.

More news for happy reading on the next page.