Joe Nimble revolutionized Laufschuh technology: Patent for ToePilot

(openPR) The European patent office has developed Joe Nimble’s Innovationsführerschaft. The patent has been granted for the revolutionary ToePilot Technology.

Ludwigsburg, November 26, 2024. Joe Nimble, Pioneer in the Entwicklung of Laufschuhen, who carried out most of the research, is a new Meilenstein: I am October erteilte das Europäische Patentamt dem Unternehmen das Patent for his innovative ToePilot Technology. Damit unterstreicht Joe Nimble seine führende Position in Bereich Laufschuhe with Zehenfreiheit. “Wir beobachten zunehmend, dass auch die großen Brands unserer Argumentation follow and the großen Zeh in Sachen Laufstabilität in the Fokus rücken”, says Joe-Nimble-Gründer and CEO Sebastian Bär. “In absehbarer Zeit wird die Frage kommen: ‘Wer hat’s erfunden?’. A woolen final statement could be: ‘Joe Nimble war’s!’”.

The ToePilot represents a Quantens in Laufschuh technology. The well-balanced design can be particularly attractive, a natural function of the coarse optimal functioning – a separate factor in the abstoßphase of the washing phase, in addition to the sweat drag of the weight on the last size. This innovation is not only intended for Läufer, but also for a Läufer-Hallux (Hallux Valgus -8° or more) that has developed. And that is a study that follows both Drittel aller Läufer weltweit. In rekömmlichen Laufschuhen you cannot exclude your Kraftpotenzial in the Vortriebs phase. Great efficiency compensation can be achieved with the ToePilot.

Sebastian Bär and the English coach and biomechanist Lee Sax have developed a smart basis for the natural functional effect of the large and optimal substructure in the Laufschuhen construction. “Our philosophy is that we can use the inzwischen cannons of leisure,” says Sebastian Bär, CEO of Joe Nimble. “Connecting natural leisure, the 80s will continue with revolutionary ToePilot technology.

If we take the position of the Mark as “The Big Toe Company”, the activity of the natural gross function of the Lauferleb is optimized. With the patent on the ToePilot, another writer Schritt could work in this targeted force.