Jonas von “Die Discounter” concluded with Track & Ansagen in Rap-Game one

The first part of the four employees of the German Supermarket Mockumentary “Die Discounter” is one of the best at Amazon Prime am Start. Zur Feier des Tages lets the characters go Jonas Schulze (played by Merlin Sandmeyer) and Flora (played by Nura) den gemeinsamen Track “Party in Billstedt”. We introduced Jonas in the new phase of our Moderator’s Interview Formats “Culture Call”. John The fact is that you can call on Sicherheitsmann and spread your Rap Music. It could be that some other artist represents a rival artist.

Jonas Schulze of “Die Discounter” fronts Shindy, Kalim and Fler

The newcomer rapper and “Security Chief” der Feinkost Kolinski-Filiale in Hamburg-Billstedt has done a number of things Shiny, Kalim and Fler so to speak. Sein Hamburger-College, der eigentlich am Freitag sein neues Album “Nur für meine Augen” veröffentlicht, solle sich von seinem Release date fernhalten. Laut Jonas goes to Shindy and releases albums “For a week afterward, let’s wait and see” Verschieben, dam dieser heute nicht mit dem Song von Jonas Schulze und Flora konkurriert.

Warum is Bietigheimer’s story, it is unclear. Denn Shindy re-establishes an active position, nor irgendwann demnächst a Platte raus. This is the “Drama” rapper who is a fan of “Die Discounter” who watched the Kollegah and Farid Bang-Diss “Kristallmatte” video. Dort gave Shindy a Pullover by Feinkost Kolinski.