Dare man in Kino mitsingen? A US-Filmtheater-Betreiber hat das jetzt verboten – Kultur

There are people who like it, the VS-Kinobetreiber at AMC Theaters ihr Publikum gerade mal wieder darauf hinweisenat Musicals that the Vorstellung was not working on. The Australian scholar Patrick Lenton has looked into this situation Guardianwith an exit card, for example for Welches Kinothere is a man who does the right of Mitsingen or Mitraits with the Kauf eines Buches, dat nach een Radfahrer van schmeißen. While the Bezahlung een Essens in Restaurant erkaufe man ja auch nicht den Anspruch, sich des Mahls gleich am Tisch wieder zu entempten.

Dennoch: Es gibt velde Menschen, die es mögen – etwa während “Mamma Mia!”, “Die Eiskönigin” or jetzt “Wicked” –, others were so musically so draufhaben. If it is not so, if any of the Italian or Italian films are so focused on its rausgeht?

It is a film that has been in Raum for a while

Schon der French Filmdirector François Truffaut reported vom “great desire, in film endings”Welches bereits als Jugendlicher spürt habe. Everything that is not like your type, who at “Blues Brothers” or “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” plötzlich with his clapper jump, once, was guessed at the Leinwand he saw, before the note nachzumachen. Truffaut meinte here das Einswerden mit der Kunst, indem man “immer naher an die Leinwand heranrückt” and the Kinosaal hinter sich “versinken” lässt. Denn, that’s not the case: the film isn’t even a problem, but is one of the first Raum. It is some empfindlich for Geräusche and Gerüche.

Won’t we end up in the Tagen in Germany with all the people together, one of the Rühmann’s “Feuerzangenbowle” in dunklen Sälen Wecker, Wunderkerzen and Glühwein with other zu teilen? (Obwohl der Film It is taxable and the right to blame for a woman who lies will be historic in the AfD’s war.) And: it is not any community concern that “Mary Poppins”-Darsteller in Julie Andrews “Supercalifragilisticexpialigetisch” is charged with building of an economy or the community with ihr während „The Sound of Music“ unserem sympathischen Nachbarland Österreich zu thank: “Schnitzel with Noodles… these are some of my favorite things.”

And so “Public Participation” has become possible through a heikler Spagat. When it comes to taking photos Max Skladanowsky Seems like in the year 1895, the audience in the Berlin Winter Garden was still alive: That was the way to see the light, there was a sensation, that dared to be written. Ouch Victor Klemperer In 1912 the Kinostimmung-allgemein died as the “des gegenwärtigen Theaters überlegen”.

Also some people could say a few things, the Leute, it is so big. We are looking for a musical or a cult film with “The Life of Brian” in the film, which is the most popular film. Notfalls can be a man who still schmeißen a book nach hinten.