Grand Ducal Police: Flight Versuch – Fahrer verletzt Beamten in Esch

In the night they were present, the police in Höhe der Rue Ferdinand Nothomb had a vehicle control function. Once the Fahrer has been refused, the Motor is abzustellen and he has his Fahrzeug beschlenig, which revorgeh a press conference of the Grand Ducal Police. Make sure that the jet of water in the Rue du Canal is suspiciously shaped.

Das Auto is a meter later, Stehen arrives and “the Insassen are immobilized”, thus the Police. “Beim Fahrer since sieben Kugeln Heroin is financed,” says the Police Fortress. Let the Beamten remain behind with a Fahrverbot and a Haftbefehl against the Fahrer vor.

While the police reported a man in a Fahrzeug on the Rue de la Gare in Schouweiler, the case was investigated. Before you take the beam out of the press report of the incident and the party, you should be warned of three different vehicles at the Parkplatz at the Bahnhof de Fenster.

“Der Tatverdächtige could no longer be stated.” Auf Anordnung der Staatsanwaltschaft sei der Täter festgenommen be.