Hesse: “Stolpern wir noch?”: Studiende aus Gießen drehen Film about Stolpersteine

Status: 11/26/2024 6:06 PM

Stolpersteine ​​​​is located in the Schicksale of NS-Opfern. A documentary film by Gießener Studierende said: So it is possible to develop the Steine ​​​​Heute in different stages – the war of the project can go unnoticed.

Das Grauen works as a hinter for four small Messingplatten. If you drive the Gießener Walltorstraße Schnellimbisse and Mehrfamilienhäuser another route, you will remember four Quadrate on the road in front of house number 32, who is here from a single point.

This is the ehemalige Wohnhaus der jewischen Wohlgeruch family. Uhrmacher Josef Wohlgeruch and his wife Paula lived since 1938, together with the Töchtern Sonja and Henny.

An air move can be used by the family. While Josef and Henny flee to England, where Paula and first son Sonja are deported to Poland. The Warsaw Ghetto is lost to its purity. Man, if you do that, it’s a problem.

Studienden drehen Dokumentarfilm

Stolpersteine ​​\u200b\u200bheard in the city and streets in the cityscape. Fast jeden Tag will have a new dazu soon. With more than 100,000 published Steinen images, it is the largest art project in the world.

Three journalism students have made a documentary film that is now intensive with the Stolpersteinen used in other ways. The film that listens to the development of projects and plans can enter into a huge war.

As “Kinder der 90er” it is seen with the Stolpersteinen played by Filmmaker David Hopper, Sarah Carneim and Luise Lenth.

With the film you find wollen: Welche Wirkung has the Steine ​​​​heute noch? Führen sie noch dazu, dass die Leute stehen bleiben? Or who is the title of the 30-minute documentary films? Stolpern wir noch?

A thinking template in Alltag

For Annika Wagner, one of the main characters in the film, the Steine ​​​​is a tag of Mahnmal. Die Lehrerin is active in der Initiative. Stolpersteine ​​​​is used for a certain matter, in the Alltag of the Schicksalen der Opfer nahezukommen, says that.

Annika Wagner is involved in the Stolperstein initiative

If you sign up, do it right, if you do. Wagner concreted, the Memorial Stones among the Children and Jugendliche erreichen können, that is all day to be stoßen.

If the initiative focuses on the Lehrerin voor Erhalt and Verbreitung der Steine ​​​​ein. If you research NS-Opfern, organize new Steinsetzungen and set the regularity of the Messingplatten.

A film, a lot of perspective

For his documentary films, studies were conducted with the history, possibilities and art of Gunter Demnig himself.

The initiator does not leave the area in Gießen in the Middle Hessischen Alsfeld-Elbenrod (Vogelsberg). The first Stolpersteine ​​series was illegal more than 30 years ago. Der Film said: So it is that the Steine ​​​​may well have to deal with it – the anfangs were so unnoticed.

As late as the 1990s, the Widerstände began to become a more autonomous organization of the NS-Verbrechen. Other stimuli increase when the rocks are intercalated into the soil surface and this is not physical from the igneous effect.

Weltweit wurden more than 100,000 Stolpersteine ​​​​shifts

Charlotte Knobloch, Holocaust consultation and one of the most important ideas of Juden in Deutschland, in 2010 in a fernseh interview, wrote criticism of the form of thoughts with Steinen in Boden. The sacrifice was made “with great satisfaction”.

Stolpern with Herz and Verstand

Luise Lenth’s students and filmmakers said: The film is as good as Urteil, one of the most promising insights into the Stolperstein project and its thinking about the future. “Auch wir wussten vorher gar nicht, wie veld dahintersteckt.”

Has a zentral Frage come to an end: Stolpern wir denn heute noch? The wool studies are the Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauern überlassen, where you can find Antworten.

For Annika Wagner, the answer is clear. Man may not be physically capable, with the brains and the mind, to say – and enjoy his soul of the Stolpersteine.

Don’t over-sehen

When we found the Stolpersteine ​​​​of the Wohlgeruch family in the Walltorstraße, there were also two discoveries of Henny Wohlgeruch present. You can do it in Scotland and in Jerusalem.

Who Giessener Allgemeine and Gießener Anzeiger messages, fanden de Steine ​​​​at the duration of Zuspruch. In a museum, a minority of Juden history can be one of the best things. When the road goes up, there is nothing wrong.

Studiendenpremiere: “Stolpern wir noch?”

Der Documentary film I’m on duty at 7:30 PM at the KinoCenter in Gießen. The end trip is free of charge. I am Anschluss and the Vorstellung loaded Louise Lenth, David Hopper and Sarah Carneim with a film performance. Moderated by the Diskussion von der Gießener Geschichtsprofessorin Ulrike Weckel.