Study: Sie nennen es Arbeitsplatzanalyse

Screenshots of Locatee's program.
Screenshots of Locatee’s program. – Location / Auszug aus der Studie

If you call an agency, you will find a sensor, which carries out the treatment. Another sensor misses the temperature in the range and can visualize it in an unmonitored video display. Management can thus take a look at whether it is in the future, although schreibtische comments believe it is a good thing and advocate a meeting with war. Another part of the WLAN network makes it possible to distribute messages on Schritt and Tritt. In Echtzeit können Manager:innen so van Verhalten von Mitarbeitenden, Kund:innen und Gästen einsehen en anhand ihrer Bewegungen in Innenräumen sogar Profile erstellen.

It was one last dystopia-clingt, this is the longest reality. The Überwachungsforscher Wolfie Christl has the shape of the Arbeitsplatzüberwachung in one of the Study with the title “Tracking location, movement and desk occupancy in the indoor workplace” (PDF) analyst. In Europe ansässige Unternehmen wie Space well, Location, FM: Systems or at the US-Technologiekonzern Cisco beet solche Überwachungstools an.

Research into the Arbeitsplatzüberwachung of Spacewell / Auszug aus Studie – Screenshot / Study / Spacewell

“Afdringliche Verhaltensüberwachung”

For this technology, people can, among other things, work with an efficient use of an office and a company with a cost account for the Heizen or the Büroreinigung. Studienautor Christl considers this form of the “Workplace Analysis” as “supportive Verhaltensüberwachung”. Now when the data is collected on an aggregation of the data, it will show the details of most of the people included in the data.

Research shows that the security technology for a sinful enterprise, such as the Arbeitnehmerschutz or the Energy Efficiency, would be developed. Normally it is the case that “a digital representation of reality, which can be a problem in other Zwecke”. The study form for generating ideas about the Schutzes der Privatsphäre und der Daten von Mitarbeitern am Arbeitsplatz.