Chargers coach Jim Harbaugh in the locker room

Chargers coach Jim Harbaugh in the locker room

Sorge a Chargers coach, Jim Harbaugh

Etwas Beunruhigendes is the past Los Angeles Chargers game:

Announcement. Scroll to continue reading.

Was that it?

– Chargers coach Jim Harbaugh must be managed

– The Denver Broncos Game Pass

Was it genau passiert?

1. Harbaugh wurde zuerst in a medizinisches Zelt gebracht

2. Dann brachte man ihn na Umkleidekabine

Announcement. Scroll to continue reading.

3. The team said, er sei krank

Was it wissen wir noch nicht?

– Wir wissen nicht genau, Harbaugh felt

– Warn auf more Informationen vom Team

What is the team?

– Trotz der Sorge um ihren Trainer played the gut of the Chargers

Announcement. Scroll to continue reading.

– Sie führen with 3:0 at the Broncos

Was it passiert als Nächstes?

– Wir warten auf Neuigkeiten über Harbaughs Zustand

– was informed when the new

Was it denkst du?

Machst du dir Sorgen is Jim Harbaugh?

Announcement. Scroll to continue reading.

You know, are the Chargers coachable?


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