Neuer Vorstand bei Bündnis90/Grüne – Sylvana Specht as nominated Bundestag candidate

It reads: “You are a good bank and worker in the city of Potsdam. We are happy, the social and financial issues are still present and the climate policy and social justice are good.

There are many themes that Sylvanas Sicht could offer more. If Karnevalist is concerned with uniting a number of things and with happy engagement, it is more likely to end. If you know the herausforderungen, the commotion and private shuttles from the Brandenburg Ortsteilen this entails, when the night bus is disabled or the RE1 has failed a few times. As marathon runners and cyclists, we come here without a few kilometers from our own Kraft.

“I would like to be able to do this without having to worry about the climate, because the E-Auto and the solar energy on the property will be better than the climate, because the climate policy is a self-sustaining one, but I would not be happy with it,” said Sylvana Specht , what matters tomorrow um 5:45 am at Zug nach Potsdam. ‘If all goes well, the social part of the company has been brought to the fore. I can get into trouble with the person from Branne and solve my problems. Was the Brandenburger beschäftigt, sei es die alleinerziehenden Mutter, die frühmorgens with the Tram or dem Fahrrad aus Hohenstücken zur Arbeit ins Uniklinikum fährt, or also the Gewerkschafter, die at ZF momentan gleichzeitig um good Löhne and the Erhalt von Arbeitsplätzen campfen? Anyway, the problem is that the leg and bracing problem is the first in the right direction.”

The new speaker of the Grünen, Ronny Patz, is a political mathematician and highly gifted in a cultural image project in the state of Räumen and the University of Potsdam. Nebenberufliche arbitrage is als Freiberufler including smaller and larger international projects. It’s been a year since the Grünen.

Ronny is a Dorfkind and Stadtmensch gleichzeitig, aufgewachsen im Plattenbau in one of the Kleinstadt and then grown in Swiss Feldern and Einfamilienhäusern on the Land in Saxony-Anhalt. Studium and Beruf have brought in Berlin, Potsdam and Munich, more years in Ausland. 2020 has come during the Campaign ‘Finde das Leben’ der WOBRA nach Brandenburg an der Havel.

“Wiren is zu häufig with morally erhobenen Zeigefinger durch die Welt – en dafür bekommen wir, manchmal zu Recht, manchmal zu Unrecht, the Mittelfinger gezeigt,” said Ronny Patz at a coffee-freien Kaffee and a vegan Stück Kuchen in the Bohnarchie. ‘I will forbid man one of my herum aber nichts, but perhaps for all respects, that is a climate-friendly alternative alternative: when I have loaded the grills, bring my own vegan sausage to a standstill with a nerve not everything I I have that lieber Fleische essence. If you are in Italy or Lithuania with the Flugzeug voyage, then it is not, if you want to see all the time and the financial world. If it’s good, it’s a principle. If something is done, these alternatives will become easier and easier for everyone.’

If the Sprecher-Team takes on a new challenge, it will never take its first step towards the green green with the Party Politics.

Doreen Müller worked in Nord and worked as a Rettungsschwimmerin in Marienbad. She is active at DLRG. For the elderly community, nature and environmental protection is one of the themes for a green city in Brandenburg.

André Hohenstein is controller for a Pflegeeinrichtung in Hohenstücken, where he also lives. There is a good chance that the entire enterprise in Brandenburg will be reorganized by bringing all financial resources to the Angehörigen, to the Kassen, the Pflegee-inrichtungen, the Communes, the Land and the Bund.

I am the new Vorstand from the previous Vorstand with Theresa Pauli with the day, who has been for the Grünen since June 2024 in the Stadtverordnetenversammlung of the City of Brandenburg and all that as a stellvertretretende Vorsitzende in Jugendhilfeausschuss de Interessen der Kinder and Eltern in der Stadt is vertrit . I am convinced that the bridge is part of the SVV faction.

Matthias Schulz as Geschäftsführer is one of the most important partners for everything, which new people would be wollen and kümmert if he was one of the best agencies in Ritterstraße 90.

Gemeinsam wollen that will certainly be new in the following years of the Greens here in Brandenburg. They want to know more and work more with others. Meer Jugendbeteiligung fördern und die entire menschen und ihren Angehörigen een stimme geben. Sie wollen diejenigen unterstützen, die in unserer Stadt ehrenamtlich, unternehmerisch or in sozialen Berufen schon heute so fell Gutes tun.”

The Kreismitgliederversammlung der Bundnisgrünen in Brandenburg an der Havel hat Montagabend Sylvana Spect nominated as Candidate for the Aufstellungsversammlung der Grünen in Wahlkreis 60 (ohne Gegenstimmen bei an Enthaltung). The Aufstellungsversammlung der Grünen for the WK60 takes place Montag, 2.12., 19 Uhr, in the Klimawerkstatt Werder in Werder (Havel).

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