We will be happy to travel with you when you travel – News

Those delegates who were in Baku at the World Climate Conference travel with their luggage. Denn Aserbaidschans Land and See borders ended four years ago. Influenced by everything, the label of the border crossing – zum Beispiel the aserbaidschanische minority in Georgian.

“Ilham Alijew!” said the other woman and was struck by Daumen. Wir sind am Basar in Marneuli, in South Georgian. Aserbaidschan is now a three-four-year-old community, and in the Kleinstad Marneuli lives for years for all ethnic Aserbaidschanerinnen and Aserbaidschaner. View the other pages of the Grenze.

If you are able to cope with the border, we will be happy with it. You can’t enjoy anything more.

In the long term of Aserbaidschans Ilham Alijew, not everything is so positive about the woman who is the Basar Kräuter-verkauft.

Person am Rednerpult with Shield 'Republic of Azerbaijan'.

Ilham Alijew has been the Amtsnachfolger blessing Vaters Heydar Alijew since the end of October 2003 President Aserbaidschans.

REUTERS/Aziz Karimov/File photo

“Why is Alijew so strong?” Gewürzverkäuferin Mariam asks. «Würde es wehtun, die Grenze wieder zu öffnen? If you are able to cope with the border, we will be happy with it. Jetzt läuft nichts meer.»

Blame for the Corona pandemic

In March 2020, the Alijew Regime Aserbaidschans Landesgrens will pass all signals to the border. Begründet wurde dies als mass, um the expansion of Covid-19 einzudämmen. But even if all the other Masses were adhered to, those boundaries remained. Make sure that the rules in Baku are treated with the «Gründen der nationale Sicherheit». In Marneuli lässt das die Leute ratlos zurück.

“How can it be that the man takes a trip with the Flugzeug, but not on the Landweg?”, Hüseyn wants to know. The fact that Tiflis after Baku nor Flugzeuge flight, bedeutet the People in Marneuli few: The very few can get a ticket for themselves. If you want to cross the border over the Asher Bay Redoubt, it will not be possible to do much more this year.

It may be that there are political factors that cannot be offended – it cannot be otherwise.

“If you have reached a high time limit or a high stat, it cannot last longer,” says Gulo, who concerns a small Schuhladen. While the border has been closed for so long, Darüber will not speak. “It may be that there are political factors that cannot be offended – it will be no different.”

Tourismus und Wirtschaft lead

The self-confident Abschottung Aserbaids can damage the economics and tourism industry of the Landes. Beobachterinnen and beobachters are a bit, if Nutzen’s regime has any idea. One theory says that the national Fluggesellschaft AZAL is a lucrative Monopol company – the airline is affiliated with the Alijew family. Other things are that you have different control over the Aserbaidschans Bürgerinnen and Bürger.

Market with Standers and Passers-by at Bekleidungsgeschäft.

People from Aserbaids can no longer spend their time here – and whatever that is, no one will have a reason for it: Market in Marneuli.


In der Tat the regime is becoming increasingly repressive. For few Wochen would organize more young activities on the run in Baku, if they enjoy, auszureisen.

It is not even a little in Basar in Marneuli, but it is not mentioned in detail. Die Angst vor Konsequenzen – if you don’t want more immediately, then you Angehörige in Aserbaidschan – seems gross. Entsprechend hiflos views over the historical border. Von Aserbaids can unsettle himself while he is in the mind of man, here is the good side. “If the direction no longer works, this can be a problem. We won’t be able to say it.»