Spannung en Tränen in the Big Brother house

Intense discussions and moments of Zerbrechlichkeit under the Gieffini: That is the passion.

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Spannung between Helena and Shaila

When you are in the Big Brother house, you go to an escalation of the wingspan of the Teilnehmern, especially Helena Prestes and Shaila Gatta. The heated discussions have gone wrong because of Lorenzo Spolverato’s brand name, the time in the cabin is verbal and the explanations have become clearer, which a few verhalten prohibit, great. Lorenzo’s reaction to the war was explosive: a hocker and a blow with the Fausten die Tür, while there was a frustration that had serious consequences. This episode has not become lighter than the fragility of the inner atmosphere of the houses, under the schwierigkeit of the teilnehmer, in such a simple cover with emotional emotions.

Those Tears by Alfonso D’Apice

Unterdessen erlebte another Teilnehmer, Alfonso D’Apice, a moment greater Verletzlichkeit. Während a conversation with Mariavittoria Minghetti brach Alfonso in verzweifelte Tränen aus en openbarte seinen Schmerz über the situation with blessing ex-freundin Federica Petagana. Federica’s emotional problems, which separated Alfonso and his long friend Stefano Tediosi, which affected and führted Alfonso, that is a good thing and good luck. Trotz Mariavittorias Versuchen, in de trösten, erklärte Alfonso, that is Federica in his free time Story not verzeihen könne, and unterstrich damit the Zerbrechlichkeit der emotional bond inner half of the Hauses.

Broken Rules and Consequences

The Rule, the connection and the communication with the competitors of the hut, where Lorenzo was brochen, by Yulia Bruschi, with me in the hut in anticipation of war, there is a requirement. Yulia has done her research into Lorenzo’s Verhalten en befürchtete, her handlungen negative Auswirkungen auf sie haben könnten. This episode has not become lighter than the tensions in the legal management, but the group dynamics, which have changed in a single legal management context. The Big Brother house has become one of the most intense emotions, often ignoring the probe and the rules in names.