North Korea announces it will cut roads and railways leading to South Korea

North Korea announces it will cut roads and railways leading to South Korea

North Korea’s communist regime announced that it would seek to “completely separate” from South Korea. The country will formally restrict roads and railways to its southern neighbor, North Korea’s military declared and called it a “self-defensive measure to inhibit war.” The Korean People’s Army said it would strengthen defenses on its side of the border…

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Erste Tote in Florida, St.

Erste Tote in Florida, St.

Cover. Hurricane “Milton” hit the west coast of Florida. The Sturm traf mit anhaltenden Windgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 193 Kilometern pro Stunde auf Land, as the US-Hurrikanzentrum mitteilte. Am Donnerstagmorgen (Ortszeit) war der Hurrikan ein Sturm der Kategorie 1 mit maximalen anhaltenden Windgeschwindigkeiten von etwa 145 Kilometern pro Stunde und zog etwa 65 Kilometer südsüdwestlich…

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‘TUI’s treatment was appalling after storm ground Corfu flight,’ says ex-mayor of Dudley – caught up in airport chaos

‘TUI’s treatment was appalling after storm ground Corfu flight,’ says ex-mayor of Dudley – caught up in airport chaos

Councilor Steve Waltho, his wife Jayne and two friends, were returning from a TUI cruise when their Birmingham-bound flight missed take-off time on Friday night due to bad weather, followed by the crew’s shift ending . TUI has since written letters of apology and offered upset passengers compensation payments for the inconvenience they suffered. The…

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