
Letter to the editor: Kennedy listens, takes action and works on your behalf in the council

Letter to the editor: Kennedy listens, takes action and works on your behalf in the council

While I cannot vote for City Council because I live in the county, I encourage townspeople to consider Lynn Kennedy as one of your candidates for Council.

I met Lynn when I worked for County and she worked for the City. Lynn is a real go-getter. She was an event coordinator for the city and was visible at every event. She is familiar with how government works and understands small businesses because she owns one. Lynn has an extensive network in this city, exhibits great character and real leadership qualities. She has a strong work ethic, stays committed and takes a genuine interest in the Sumter community. She is someone who listens and takes action. If you are looking for a candidate that suits you, I highly recommend voting for Lynn. I wish she would run for president.

