
The Great Oaks board chairman has been elected OSBA president in 2025

The Great Oaks board chairman has been elected OSBA president in 2025

The Delegate Assembly of the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) has elected Mary Cleveland as the association’s president-elect for 2025. Cleveland serves on the Princeton City Schools Board of Education and the Great Oaks Career Campuses Governing Board.

She was elected Monday during the annual business meeting of the OSBA Delegate Assembly. The delegates meet each year at the Capital Conference and Trade Show, the association’s state convention that draws thousands of school board members, administrators and other education leaders to Columbus. Current OSBA President Thomas C. Patterson, a member of the Sandusky City Schools Board of Education, will become OSBA President on January 1, 2025.

Cleveland was first elected to the Princeton City Board in November 2013. Now in her 11th year, she also serves as board chair of Great Oaks Career Campuses.

“I believe that together we can create an educational environment where every child, regardless of background, has the resources, support and tools they need to succeed,” Cleveland told delegates.

Her leadership extends beyond her local school boards; she is an active and influential member of OSBA and a member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee. Her previous roles include chairing the South West Region Executive Committee in 2023.

Cleveland’s commitment to public education is rooted in her diverse background. With experience in business, education, legal, and the nonprofit sector, she deeply understands the challenges and opportunities facing Ohio’s public schools.

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