
Wes Streeting announces NHS name-and-shame rankings

Wes Streeting announces NHS name-and-shame rankings

Watch live as Wes Straating announces government plans to name and shame NHS hospitals as part of a package of measures to tackle poor performance on Wednesday 13 November.

According to the new plans NHS managers will be fired if they cannot improve patient care and take control of the finances, according to the government’s plans.

The health secretary is speaking at the NHS Providers conference in Liverpool.

He will warn that there will be “no more rewards for failure” and NHS England will conduct an “unrestricted” review of performance across England, with results made public in league tables that are updated regularly.

Trusts will be ranked based on a range of indicators including finance, service delivery, patient access to care and leadership competence.

Health leaders have criticized the move, saying it could demoralize staff, and accused ministers of “falling for the attractive idea of ​​a magic productivity tree that will make the NHS more efficient just by shaking the magic tree harder”.