
Car theft is on the rise in Hinesville

Car theft is on the rise in Hinesville

HINESVILLE, Ga. (WSAV) – Car thefts have increased in Hinesville in recent months and police said they are still looking for the bigger cause.

“A lot of guns were stolen, a lot of money was stolen and other valuables were stolen,” Hinesville Police Chief Tracey Howard said.

In the month of October alone there were approximately 50 cases of car theft. By mid-November there were more than 30.

That is double the amount for October compared to last year and a significant increase for November compared to the same month in 2023.

It’s not just a problem because victims will miss their stolen items; Hinesville is a military community.

“We’ve had a few situations where a soldier left his military gear, just personal gear, in his vehicle so he was ready to work the next day and the vehicle wasn’t safe,” Howard said.

Chief Howard said civilians have also had guns stolen from their cars.

“Most of the weapons involved in homicides that are not domestic homicides are weapons that were obtained illegally,” Howard said. “They are usually stolen.”

That was the case in the latest arrest by Hinesville police in the series of car thefts. Jaquan Clemens was arrested for obstruction and possession of a stolen firearm. Police linked him to the burglary because he allegedly used the stolen gun for another crime.

Chief Howard said most people arrested in connection with car thefts are under the age of 18.

“We’re still putting a lot of the pieces together after the recent arrest,” Howard said. “So that will probably be an ongoing determination as to whether or not it was related to organized crime.”

The thefts take place all over the city, not isolated in one specific neighborhood. However, they have one thing in common.

“There were a few vehicles broken into, but that’s not the trend,” Howard said. This has only happened on rare occasions, because so many people unfortunately leave their cars unlocked.”

According to police, the most important thing you can do to avoid becoming a victim of theft from your car is to always lock it and take your valuables inside with you.

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