The Neuer Fondspolice Summit will make an important contribution to the meeting

Ellipse is located in the Veranstaltungsraum at 8. Stock from Hotels Hafen Hamburg in the Nähe der Landungsbrücken. Take a look at the harbor of the Hanseatic City and the adjacent Viertel. A more appropriate Rahmen is also for the first “Fondspolice Summit”, which the Hamburger Beratungsboutique Smart Asset Management (sam) jetzt jointly with procontra and professional beef 40 Vertreter aus der Versicherungs- und Finanzbranche eingeladen hatted. The motto is: “Werte für die Zukunft”.

Auszeichnung in verschiedenen Kategorien

Absolutely high interest of the highest returns: the results of the best Fund Police 2024 – based on a suspension of the Fund Police Report of Smart Asset Management Service GmbH. In 2019, the Versicherungs and investment experts Thorsten Dorn conducted a study into the analysis of fund-bundled specialization and veröffentlicht zheimal jährlich in collaboration with the Institute for Vermögensaufbau (IVA) the Fund Police Report Classic and the Fund Police Report Nachhaltigkeit (ESG).

Daneben has offered the Company a digital solution for the creation of individual portfolios within the Fondspolice-Tarifen portfolio with “samperform”. In particular: The Fund Bewertung does not apply to other institutions on the Basic Exploration, which is based on a Zukunft-oriented methodology.

With a prize awarded to the best fund police in four different categories: Nachhaltigkeit, Classic, ETF-Passiv with flexibility and transparency. And that’s the winner:

  • Category Nachhaltigkeit: Liechtenstein Life (“Liechtenstein Life Invest)” and Standard Life (“Maxxellence Invest”)

  • Category Classic: Alte Leipziger (“FR10”), Swiss Life (“Investo”) and LV1871 (“Mein Plan”)

  • Category ETF-Passive: Helvetia (“CleVesto Select”), Liechtenstein Life (“Liechtenstein Life Invest”) and Interrisk (“MyIndex”)

  • Category Flexibility and transparency: Ergo (“Rental Balance”)

Veranstalter regen neue Initiative an

So the Award Vergabe is war, the Fund Police Summit is all about reducing, where deutlich have jumped. The Veranstalter woolen with that new price is set on a German Zeichen for more Beratungsqualität in the industry. In practice, Thorsten Dorn feels that he no longer has any experience by giving the vermittler more statistics, but the question for his real alters vorsorge is where we have lost.

Just look at Tilman J. Freyenhagen. In a Vortrag van de Geschäftsführer van de Alsterspree-Verlags, dit is de Finanzmagazin die procontra und de online-platform proffesional hearings, von een “weißen Fleck” in de Fondspolitie.

So if Freyenhagen has left a Dorn-regten of the Gründung initiative, with the Hilfe Versicherungsvermittler that would become so high, his investment report would be about his work. If you buy a form in the form of a service and sales platform, on the rate of the versicher hinterlegt and so displayed, the vermittler and the information about the fund portfolio can give you information about the überprüfen and extensive information. That’s the end of the day, but we’ll never stop there again, so Freyenhagen.

Bafin erhöht Druck auf Versicherer

This discussion is not carried out in the air by statute, but has power over the Fund Policies Summit Martin Stenger, representative of Franklin Templeton, German. In a short period of time, there is only one more problem with the Bafin market’s best brand for the sale of capital equipment aimed at making a summer trading strategy meeting for a powerful Wirbel organization.

Bafin-Versicherungsaufseherin Julia Wiens hatte auf dem Meeting scharfe Kritik and more Lebensversicherern geübt. Etliche Anbieter würden the Absicherungsbedürfnissen and Renditeerwartungen of the Kunden not justice, hatte si angemahnt and sogar den Vorständen with solutionsen Konsequenzen gedroht. The stricter care for the Bafin, so Stenger, became a group with the vermittler and died from one of the following offers. Darauf solle man ich zetigzeitig esinstellen, auch and gerade bei the Beratung von Fondspoliceen.

Impressionen vom Fondspolice Summit 2024 in Hamburg


Guests enjoy a nice evening

The first guests meet: Niklas Lidkie (InterRisk), Leo Mehic (Templeton) and Fabian Schubert (InterRisk) (from left) Photo: Nixdorf