
Was there bedeutet and was man nicht darf

Was there bedeutet and was man nicht darf

Mahnen and remembering

Where did we go to the Volkstrauertag?

The Volkstrauertag would put an end to the first Weltkriegs-eingeführt and find the longer the week before the first Advent-statt. Have you found a solution?

Current on 16.11.2024 – 12:04 Uhr|Lesedauer: 2 minutes.

2024 fell from the Volkstrauertag on November 17. A diesem Tag was thought in Deutschland der Opfer von Krieg and Gewalt. There are many ways to use the Versöhnung, Verstanddigung und Frieden in der Welt sein.

Volkstrauertag: Things started in Germany since 1919.Vergroßern des Bildes

Volkstrauertag: Things started in Germany since 1919. (Quelle: Christian Spicker/imago-images-bilder)

The Volkstrauertag takes place a week before the Holy Day and two weeks before the first Advent day – which this year is on November 17.

The data for the following years can display the table.

The Volkstrauertag was founded in 1919 by the Volksbundes Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge (VDK) and was founded in 1922 as a Memorial for Ehren der Opfer des Ersten Weltkriegs began. In the year that the Reichstag President Paul Löbe delivered a directional speech in the background on Verwijs, Versöhnung and Erinnerung at the first Remembrance in the German Reichstag. Jener Zeit fand der Volkstrauertag is nor a fünften Sonntag voor Ostern statt.

The National Socialists abolished the Volkstrauertag in 1933 and it was replaced in 1934 by the “Heldengedenktag”. So there is a cutback and the Nazi mission. After the Gründung of the Bundesrepublik, the Volkstrauertag was started in 1950 and in 1952 the state memorial was erklärt.

The devastating direction and the federal states are a bit trauertag on the previous day of the evangelical Kirchenjahres that is broadcast on 33. One of the war gründe wars is the deutliche vom nationalsozialisten “Heroesgedenktag” abzugrens.

The Volkstrauertag is not a gesetzlicher Feiertag. Volunteering is the best thing to do, it’s just a matter of acting for a while. The Volkstrauertag is a state idea and part of the “silent Feiertagen”.

All Bundesländer have a diesem Tag – so less than an erased Zeitraum – öffentliche Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen, which beispielsweise Musik-, Sport-, aber auch gewerbliche Veranstaltungen, softer than the “serious character” of the Tages spread out.

Am Volkstrauertag was setzt die Fahnen in Deutschland auf halbmast. Zudem gibt is bundesweite Kranzniederlegungen und Gottesdienste.

Find a central meeting in the plenary meeting of the German Bundestages, with the high representatives of the Federal President and the speeches.