Parteitag – Angriffe auf FDP und CDU – Südwest-SPD läutet Wahlkampf ein – Politics

Offenburg (dpa/lsw) – Mit scharfen Angriffen auf FDP-Chief Christian Lindner und die Unions-Kanzlercandidates Friedrich Merz (CDU) die SPD in Baden-Württemberg the Wahlkampf for the previous Neuwahl on February 23 one day.

Party leader Saskia Esken criticized Lindner’s opinion. If you respond with the medium-term reporting, the FDP will move towards an end to the Ampel Coalition at the end of September. “Der Schaden, der der Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Politik zugefügt wurde, is nicht zu ermesessen,” says Esken at the Landesparteitag of Baden-Württembergische SPD in Offenburg. If anyone now wants to acknowledge that this situation will be resolved, there is a great fragmentation of the warning and the ehrlichkeit of politics.

Esken: “Lindner and FDP are disqualified”

“Christian Lindner and his FDP have disqualified the schmierentheater at the expense of the countries as a political kraft disqualification,” says Esken. If you have an inkling that Lindner is most to blame, it’s that he’s to blame.

Research into the “Zeit” and the “South German Zeitung” has financed the FDP with an end to the Ampel Coalition – the Rede is a “Drehbuch voor de Regierungssturz”, which is the “Zeit” form. During most of the period of the last phase at the end of September, the situation will be changed, while the controversies on a Szenario zum Ausstieg aus der Koalition have arisen. If you are on the idea of ​​a political economic concept, then the inner leadership of the government is not even able to report the “Time”. You can set a timetable for a report from the FDP Cabinet minister.

The FDP has entered the fray, but it no longer has any internal positions. Since the deadline of November 2023, the night of 2021 is over, it is “always a matter of course and in the future the implementation of the regulatory framework” is established. “Self-understanding could mean that a sense of humor and a spirit of support have arisen,” said one party preacher.

Party leader Saskia Esken entered the political arena. (Photo: Uli Deck/dpa)

Auch the Chancellor candidates of the Union, CDU chief Friedrich Merz, went Esken scharf an. Man can use the Kanzlerformat to set up infrage, like Esken. “With Friedrich Merz, a Mann doubts the world that concerns itself with the perspective of his private endeavors.” The CDU chief has done political work for a long time, nor is there a government, a ministerium or a government administration.

Merz mit Kanzler Scholz ein früherer Vizekanzler, Arbeitsminister und Landeschef gegenüber. “Krisenerprobt. With all laundry washed. While everyone, nationally and internationally, is standing up and fighting,” Esken said, and Scholz pointed in the back of one of the right SPD candidates in the debate.

Pistorius in Reason and Anträgen will no longer have a theme

Während in other Bundesländern einzelne Basis-Gruppierungen nach Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius (SPD) rufen, war die Frage des SPD-Kanzlerkansen in Offenburg zunächst kein Thema in de Reason en Anträgen des Parteitags.

National Chief Andreas Stoch wants to make it clear that the candidates are applying for part of a targeted separation. “Diese Wahl entscheidet between Olaf Scholz and Friedrich Merz. They also separate all forms of politics for tomorrow and a retropolitik from the 1980s.”

With a look at the poor surroundings, you can still see Genossen Mut. “The SPD has achieved the final quality.” He is a man of the letzten Bundestagswahl and of the Landtagswahl in Brandenburg. “The war that is bad is different from what was predicted. When the SPD was abolished, it was more for most content,” Stoch said.

Party at the end of the day

The head of the country works with the delegation with a larger capacity for a larger number of years in the most suitable framework. The 55-year-old lawyer from Heidenheim has a share of 93.9 percent of the stimmen. 277 Delegierten stimmten für Stoch, 13 gegen ihn, funf enthielten sich. Before you can spend more years on the Fraktionschef der Sozialdemokraten in the Landtag, 95.6 Prozent der Stimmen erhalten.

This means that part of the delegation consists of part of the best party. General Secretary Sascha Binder has 78.2 Prozent der Stimmen – less than two years ago, namely 85 Prozent der Delegierten das Vertrauen ausgesprochen hatten.

Die four Stellvertreter von Stoch wurden ebenfalls wiedergewählt. Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretariat in the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, scored 82.2 Prozent der Stimmen, the Böblinger Bundestagsabgeordnete Jasmina Hostert erhielt 87.5 Prozent. For the Tübinger Landtagsabgeordnete Dorothea Kliche-Behnke stimulates 83.5 Prozent, for the Karlsruher Bundestagsabgeordneten Parsa Marvi 83.3 Prozent.

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