
What strategy is there in Big Brother?

What strategy is there in Big Brother?

Find her, the darling of Yulia and Giglio is real or now a strategy game.

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The context of Big Brother

Big Brother is a fernsehphänomen, which will demonstrate the Italian peculiarity for years to come. Jede Ausgabe brings Geschichten über Liebe, Konflikken and Dramen with his and the power of the most masterful Italian Haus-Italians with a sense of emotions and strategies. In this situation, the dynamics of technology become so great that the interior of the houses of discussion and analysis is expanded. The letter published when the brand name was on the two Candidates, Yulia and Giglio, drew attention to the fans of the violent debates.

The Happening is an immediate holiday

Yulia and Giglio are no longer on the path to a personal approach, but to the paths of misunderstanding, which know their conscious knowledge. In the last time that they are both under the bet very good, it is a fact that the tensions pass to the welding. If the question of indebtedness in the Frage poses, the vermuten, that is a strategy for the strategy of the company and the trade in publications. Die Frage, die sichviele sich kostenlos, is: Who is authentic?

The reactions to the audience and fans

Yulia and Giglio’s hats are in the social center of a reihe-gemischter reaction revorgerufen. If some fans have an idea and want to enjoy the couple that has been brought out, others are skeptical and glauben, then they both die a plan, a game they play. DER