
Ochtrup: Sechs Tote at Frontalcrash in Münsterland

Ochtrup: Sechs Tote at Frontalcrash in Münsterland

The Rettern bot is a clear image: mittens in the night are in the west of the country Ochtrup two Auto’s in a different way. One of the cars comes out, and other wurde is full-fledged. Insgesamt starben sechs Menschen.

Bzurück bleiben nur Asche, Trümmer und Trauer: Bei eenm schweren Verkehrsunfall in Münsterland haben sechs Menschen ihr Leben. Whoever has the police, stays mittens in the night cars in the next one Bahnübergangs near Ochtrup jijsammen. Die Stadt is located in the Grenz area in Lower Saxony and the Niederlanden. Kein Beteiligter überlebte.

The first Reconstruction of the Polizei started following the Kollision at 2.40 am on a Landstraße. A car turning in the direction of the benachbarten Gronaus can be used. Let a railway appear in the part of the country that the Wagen vermutlich in the Schleudern and anschließend in the Gegenverkehr. Dort Stieß is head-on with another car, coming from Richtung Gronau.

In the first car, you can spend time with people. After the collation has started, there is a full-fledged situation. The Fahrer would secure the car and secure it to the Unfallstelle. Sein Beifahrer überlebte den Zusammenstoß ebenfalls nicht. In these two cars after police officers four people. Also, there are all the sad moments.

The beginning of the tragedy would be clear from the outset in the Tagesverlauding. Schon in der Nacht hatten de Einsatzkräfte von een Frontal message. „Rettungskräfte und Polizei since vor Ort“, this is one of the most important things. Well, a catastrophe is a fact, the war is not fair to the world. The road was completely blocked. It’s a miracle that things are going well.

When it comes to the Opfern trade, the war will not be clear cut. The identification has still not been made, but a police precheress. If you want to know more, it’s unclear. Nevertheless, the unfortunate accidents were not forgotten. A special lesson Unfallaufnahmeteam zum Einsatz.

Beobachtern eröffnete sich an der Straße een schreckliches Bild. The postponed Autowrack War has not yet started. Rapid war by the Fahrzeug was allowed. The other car was completely scrapped. The shocks can express themselves how intense global warming is. Sechs Tote sind für einen eeninzelnen Unfall in Deutschland een hohe Zahl.
