
It’s been 21 years since Winnie played Silent Hill and horror fans stopped playing in August

It’s been 21 years since Winnie played Silent Hill and horror fans stopped playing in August

Warum Winnie Puuh is a good Silent Hill Alternative.
Warum Winnie Puuh is a good Silent Hill Alternative.

Warum Winnie Puuh is a good Silent Hill Alternative.

Will we see horror fans and play Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Co? Dann solves this Ferkels Grosses Abenteuer Anschauen. I said: “Obvious ones, who bit?” Wir sagen: “Yes, yes!” Since the classic games for PS2, Xbox and GameCube from 2003 generated a little internet hype, the images generated are a grim time.

The little Schweinchen of the Winnie Puuh universe have their own game with that work and a larger main expenditure. Thematic muss Ferkel seine größten Ängste überwinden, um seine Freunde vor bösen Heffalumps and Wusels zu retten. If you are in the business of shifting and experiencing trauma, this is likely to be the case.

What did you do? Note that the game is a bit, after a few Twitter accounts and gameplay footage with original Silent Hill and Resident Evil games.

If you are looking for a new Tag, you can buy the Ferkels Großes on major US platforms on Ebay available for purchase war (via GameRadar).

Why is Ferkel’s Abenteuer so creepy?

Tatsächlich ist der Vergleich nicht van der Hand zu weisen. That’s great for the evening setting. The protagonist must be in his final phase, the traumatic experience begins, one of the best things he can do. A description of the journey to Silent Hill.

Skippt one infach mal durch diesen Walkthrough hindurch and erinnert euch zijn en wieder das das das een Winnie Puuh-Abenteuer met een kleine kleine Schweinchen als held:

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The French Entwicklerstudio Doki Denki how the gameplay is going from Konami and Capcom inspire welding. Beispielsweise experience ihr Ferkels Großes Abenteuer aus festen Kameraperspektive, wie in classic Resident Evil-Spielen. One of the levels is a library in the trauma of the horror atmosphere.

Unterstützt wird der Eindruck durch soothing and pleasant sound effect and gameplay mechanics. Ferkel sparrow in Kämpfen etwa gruesome grimaces see, um seinen Feinden Angst zu machen. Beim Erkunden muss der kleine Held Monstern ausweichen and sitters in front of Sorge.

Sogar der soundtrack trägt seinen Teil bei. Be that as it may, this is a matter of the title of eights. If you stop traveling in a horror epic from the year 2000, you can’t erase it.

A user is listening to the remake of Silent Hill 2 in the music and soundtrack of Winnie Puh. Women act when they have one of those things, with some comments.

The komplette game isn’t that good. In Tiggers Traum, research has been done into a green garden with fresh Stimmung and Karussells. Trotzdem is a very exciting experience, which the Entwickler team does for a children’s game in the Winnie-Puuh universe of the Horror-Schiene that has been suspended.

Silent Hill 2 - The first gameplay of the remake is spot on
Silent Hill 2 - The first gameplay of the remake is spot on

Start video


Silent Hill 2 – The first gameplay of the remake is spot on

Falling in love with a retro game and falling for such a title, the small Winnie-Puuh figures with a Schuss psycho-horror würzt, Ferkels was able to give Großes the right direction for his life.

Have you played the classic style? Was stop ihr von der wilde Mischung?