
FSC-Siegel at Ikea and Co: What’s the problem?

FSC-Siegel at Ikea and Co: What’s the problem?

Zertifizierte Forstwirtschaft:Who is the FSC wirklich?

In horticulture, egg cartons or condomen: Products can be produced by FSC-Siegel. Insbesondere Möbelhäuser would be damned. Have you stopped the Zertifikat, was this a mistake?

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Black is the royal “Kallax” in the color collection now for the price of 50 years. Anniversaries from Ikea Deutschland are available, but the strategy of the world’s largest furniture retailers is the best: with the “Waldpositivität” Ikea on Holz will come out of the closet en If you use a setzen and damn it, 98 products are produced that are recycled or are FSC certified.

Since the FSC certifications are clear, Pierre Ibisch, Professor for “Nature Conservation” and the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Eberswalde, also understands this. This is my first experience:

As an example in Russia, Holz’s research from the Wälder world has become an example of a system damage, and we will also tell more in Klaren: if FSC-Holz obtains this Siegel, it could come from Kahlschlägen or from the Plantagen. I am schlimmeren Autumn (…) sogar aus Urwäldern.

Pierre Ibisch, professor of “Nature Conservation” at the University of Applied Sciences for Environmental Entwicklung in Eberswalde

It was possible that the company was concerned with the fact that the FSC-responsible Waldwirtschaft program was established, after which the Holzfirma put an end to the radical demolition of the Flächen. The organization has established itself on a website, which calls FSC “the shining company for sustainable forest management”.

Holz is shipped by crane to a holztransporter

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Were green FSC with?

In 1993, the “Forest Stewardship Council” was established in the Kammern period. Darin trades economic, ecological and social interest groups with others.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-Siegel is an international certification system for sustainable forest management. There is a guarantee that wood and paper production come from a global world that inherits social and economic norms. Auch Decoration and Gift Paper can provide these Siegel trades.

In the Gründungsrunde, the Swiss Unternehmen Ikea and the mittlerweile ausgetretene Umweltorganisation Greenpeace would be genüber. Angehörige von ethnic minorities with indigenous population groups were a number of places.

Gemeinsam wurden zehn Prinzipien ausgehandelt, de weltweit gilten. The realm of nationality and the rights of the indigenous population is their protection against the Schutzwerte in the Wald.

If the Prinzipien have introduced the FSC standards, the country from the country is no longer separated: Während Kahlschläge beispielsweise at FSC Deutschland is now in Ausnahmefällen erlaubt sind, since sid in Schweden hinges not ungewöhnlich. Confrontiert met die Umstand teilt FSC met, that is the man who introduced all Interessengruppen, the national standards provided they were voted.
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FSC-Mix: Besser as cousins?

The largest amount of FSC markets (beef 80 Prozent) makes FSC-Mixed-Produkte aus. These categories contain some of the material from the FSC-certified Forstwirtschaftstamen muss. The rest of the resources can be recycled or controlled. This type of “Controlled Wood” avoids FSC and illegal fallows of wood, genetically modified wood and wood from the ground, in which traditional and civil rights are used.

Simon Counsell, who deals with FSC, looks at the inspection of the cavities, the FSC mixed-certified tension plates and paper products are skeptical. The SWR said: “Anstelle von Kontrolleuren im Wald wird das Label vom Schreibtisch aus vergeben.”

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Beobachter criticizing the “Forest Stewardship Council”

The advice is to put up a viewer platform “FSC-Watch”, all activities at the FSC festival and commentary. There’s a great party:

After the FSC-Watch website was started more than 20 years ago, the Dutzende von Fallen, in de onternehmen-zertifiziert-wurden, which never again zertifiziert to last. There was never any response under the FSC.

Simon Counsell, Beobachter platform “FSC-Watch”

So how is it FSC-Siegel offenbar seine Lücken. If the Jubiläums-Regal from Ikea cannot be a hundred percent positive, the Holz tatsächlich stems from nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft.


:Daten zum Klimawandel in Überblick

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von Moritz Zajonz

Nice icons with Fabrikschlot, Blitz, Thermometer for Deutschland and Weltkarte, and a house in Wellen. I am a background for a braunkohlekraftwerk.
