Angriffe auf Polizisten bij Gedenk: Bewährungsstrafe

Many people commemorate the 105th anniversary of the communist leader Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. The situation would end. A student is now a Verzeihung.

Rund zehn Monate nach Ausschreitungen beim Memorials und Kommunistenführer Rosa Luxemburg und Karl Liebknecht in Berlin-Lichtenberg is a student of one year and such Monaten Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt be. The fear of the trial is greater than ever with a problem that has been caused by politics and has become a culprit.

The Amtsgericht Tiergarten pronounced the 26-year period of the land bruchs, the tätlichen Angriffs auf Vollstreckungsbeamte, the versuchten gefährlichen Körperverletzung, the Widerstands gegen Beamte anyway der Sachbeschädigung guilty. One of the works of art does not apply to the forward Adjuster.

When 3000 people pass through the 105 years, thoughts come from the Communist Führer, who came to the rescue in a group of 40 people who would be responsible for the police. Auch punishable Parols seien skandiert zijn, darunter der Slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

When the police have power over the long term with a Fahnenstange from Holz on one of the beams, this is still in Urteil. If politicians did their best 40 years ago, it is no longer possible for them to be used. When the blesser carries out the festivities during the sailing and tritte conditions.

Der Student has the opportunity to conduct a study. “Statements have been made, there is a problem with the welds, it cannot be that more attention is being paid to it,” says de Anwalt. Inzwischen has his Mandant, an American citizen, who poisons Umfeld and establishes his Studium in the fortress of Ireland.

It is the time you follow if you focus on the state anwältin. Der Verteidiger can prevent a warning action from taking place, there can be no question of an attack. Das Urteil is not legal.

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