“Twilight” fans rejoice – Taylor Lautner hits hard against Pattinson!

Nie Freunde has become
Nur on the Leinwand, while I would not make Leben wurden Lautner and his Co-Star any happier, who I let his year in Podcast “Call Her Daddy” zugab: “Wir hatten not a tiefere Verbindung, weil wir so grundverschieden were. Obwohl Robert is a fantastic and neat character war.” He has written the Liebesdreieck of the film on the Co-Stars after Schluss ausgewirkt, weil sich die Fans in „Team Edward” and „Team Jacob“ spalten haten: „It was very funny, if your sisters on the balcony trittst and 10 000 Girls dir zujubeln and Robert ausbuhen – während the others 10,000 Girls genau das gegenteil tun. That is the heart, a Freundschaft that is concerned.”