Relaunch of Big Brother with Maria De Filippi

Mediaset thinks of Maria De Filippi, a Big Brother in the Krise who has not yet started.

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A reality show in Schwierigkeiten

The new version of Big Brother, the reality show of Canale 5, under the moderation of Alfonso Signorini, is found in a critical phase. The final quotes are sunk into the Vergleich of the früheren Staffeln and the program is not exactly as wrong as it is. With a lead time of 17.96% of the format, a German backlog has been alleviated, while the media set has über strategies for the weederbelebung of the programs that have been devised.

Der Vorschlag van Maria de Philippi

Youth Gerüchten have betrayed Mediaset, Maria De Filippi with the Besetzung of “Big Brother”. The infamous moderator, who can tell his story by sending “Men and Women” and “Temptation Island”, can bring a breath of fresh air into reality. Grazia Sambruna is enthusiastic about an article on Italian affairs, which is a heart-warming rumor that this source of power, with the Soul, the program from which it is brought by Glanz.

A winning combination?

The connection between Big Brother and Temptation Island has a huge impact on sales. In the Letzten Ausgabe trug the Anwesenheit of Konkurrenten of Temptation zu increased Einschaltquoten bei. If Maria De Filippi, the Casting woman, starts working, she will die as a strategic Schachzug, a knitteres Publikum anzulocken and the interest in the shipping of wiederzubeleben. It is impossible to see that these things make the wishes very interesting, if one considers that the Reality Show has erhebliche formattings that are a common version with Nip- and VIP-teilnehmern übergedingen.

Zukunftige reausordererungen

Big Brother is preparing for a new reformation with the backlash from the double termins. The separation, even if the program is sent and rejected with ‘Dancing With the Stars’, is different and can be considered risky. Mediaset shows that it is no longer necessary and that innovative solutions are so, a publikum wieder anzulocken. The figure of Maria De Filippi could use a schloss element in that relaunch project, after the final story of the high quality was resolved, interest was aroused by an interesting dynamic and an inner dynamic of its acquisition.