I am CEO of Ikea Deutschland: My 3 tips for success

Walter Kadnar was responsible for Ikea in Poland, Russia, France, Germany and Austria. Mit BI is a Führungsgeheimnisse on 36 years Karriere.

Walter Kadnar was responsible for Ikea in Poland, Russia, France, Germany and Austria. Mit BI is a Führungsgeheimnisse on 36 years Karriere.
Kadnar/Ikea/Collage: Business Insider, Frauwallner

Walter Kadnar combs as 24-Jähriger at Ikea in Führung. The fact is that you make a lot of money, a Mexican trip. Stattdessen lived there for 36 years in Unternehmen and is the current CEO of Ikea Deutschland with 20,000 Mitarbeitern. Experience with BI+, who penetrates into different countries and cultures what a well-meant operating principle has been conveyed in the Spitze.

  • Walter Kadnar has been CEO of Ikea Deutschland since October 2022.
  • She started with a career at Ikea as an intern and engineer in various states, in France, Poland and Russia.
  • Kadnar goes on a fuhrungsstil, if you want to become clear, you focus on an Umfeld-schafft, the Mitarbeiter is inspired and motivated.

“I want to earn a lot of money now and even more after Mexico.” This is how Walter Kadnar’s career started at Ikea as a 24-year-old. Statt sich in Mexico abzusetzen, remained there for 36 Jahre lang in dem Unternehmen, in dem er als Intern started. Heute is there CEO and CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) of Ikea Deutschland.

Walter Kadnar was born and warmed up in the Thermen- and Weinregion Baden Vienna. There will be, who says, a “normal” family. The large ones have “a few wines”, the work of the trader is Volvo. As a 16-year-old, Walter Kadnar himself started in Verkauf, in a Möbelhaus in Vienna.

It didn’t take me long to say it was. I have to recognize the opportunity and be very accepting.

Walter Kadnar, CEO Ikea Germany

Walter Kadnar worked for Ikea for 36 years.

Walter Kadnar worked for Ikea for 36 years.

In 1988 I started as a Management Trainee at Ikea. “That was thought of as a super job. A bisschen geld machen en dann mit meiner Schwester nach Mexiko. So war of the Plan.” But if you have a modern Möbelhaus experience, then that’s it, that’s it.


At 24 months the Möbelabteilung of Österreich has disappeareds big voice Ikea

Sechs Jahre später bekam is Verantwortung für 60 Mitarbeiter and führte with 24 the Möbelabteilung of the large Ikea-Einrichtungshauses in Österreich. There is a power of an amount of damals of 120 million Schilling (with a total amount of 8.72 million euros).

Here I learned, was in the signaler Karriere nor often prägen sollte: „Ihr dare not warten, bis euch jemand sagt, was ihr tun sollt. I must acknowledge and appreciate Chancen.”

A photo from the archives of Walter Kadnar. It is said that we have links, as far as the Zeit at Ikea Österreich is concerned.

A photo from the archives of Walter Kadnar. It is said that we have links, as far as the Zeit at Ikea Österreich is concerned.
Walter Kadnar/Ikea

2004 is a Führungskraft for Ikea France

Kadnar wants to know what happened and how it went international career. Liess is also in für Frankreich vorschlagen. Mit Erfolg: Started in Paris in 2004 as head chef of home furnishings and management of the commercial teams for Ikea France.