USA: Richterin has Verbot von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen in Wyoming auf

A Richterin has the general verb von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen I am US Federal State Wyoming aufgehoben – einschließlich des landesweit first ausdrücklichen Verbots von Pillen zum Abbruch von Schwangerschaften. The Bezirksrichterin von Teton County, Melissa Owens, gab in ihrem Urteil en, dass de Gesetze das Grundrecht von Frauen, Entscheidungen über ihre eigen Gesundheitsversorgung zu zijn, eenschränke. The word from the Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen “supports the integrity of the current state of affairs, repays the quality of the debt, providing patients with a provable Medizin of their diet”.

Four women, two Geburtshelferinnen and two from community organizations, have fought the Gesetz. If you argue, the word is interesting in your sanity, your work and your livelihood. As soon as you have made a report of the year 2012, the award ceremony of the Bewohner von Wyoming If the right exists, there are separate measures for health protection. Richterin Owens gab diesem Argument statt.

“It’s a wonderful tag for the citizens of Wyoming – and for all women, control over their own customers has been resolved,” said Julie Burkhart, president of Wellspring Health Access, one of the organizations involved.

If one of the federal authorities runs parallel to the US presidential elections, the Wähler in Missouri will clear the free way, one of the US American restriktivsts of the Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen aufzuheben. Also in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Montana, Nevada and New York, the rights of the Schwangerschaftsabbruch are protected. In Florida, Nebraska and South Dakota Wurden further modifications are requiredsoft drink from Verbot bestehen blieb.