Russians after Freigabe in Sorge vor US-Raketen: “Beschissene Situation”

After Washington’s Freigabe for Ukraine through the American alliance with Ziele in Russia, there are nervous reactions in the Russian Border Region. While the Kremlin is considering the separation of US President Joe Biden from the rest of the world and is considering a “new tension” that will follow the separation, power is now emerging beyond the Ukrainian border in Russia.

Rund 300 Kilometers is the Reichsweite der leistungsstärksten US-Raketen in Ukrainian Arsenal. The Abschuss disasters of the ATACMS missiles were no longer placed directly on the border – the greatest risks are Russian consequences. Tatsächlich expensive for the Ukraine now also Ziele with an Entfernung von approximately 250 Kilometers inner half Russia therereichbar signal.

“Intense Reactions” in Russia after US-Raketen-Entscheidung

ATACMS deals with ballistic missiles. The Zerstörungskraft der Geschosse has a critical influence on a Ukrainian fear of occupying the area and Crimea. Nun stehen Kiew new Möglichkeiten offen – and for the residents in the Russian Border Regions is the Lage.

You can now make preparations for the unrest in Ukraine. “Karts with the Radius of the Rockets” were published under the Kollegen, messageet the unabundant Russian Medium “Verstka” am Montag von mitunter „heavy Reactions” especially in the Woronesch Region, which borders a large area of ​​Belgorod and Kursk.

Flight victims in Russia weigh “complete decision-making situation”

The situation is completely resolved, there is a big spotlight, message “Verstka”. If you want to bring home „die Sachen zu packen“ and the own Verwandten „weit weg“, it is worth going to Woronesch, this will be again. If you see that you have been robbed, Ukraine is no longer attacking an ATACMS missiles, a non-military attack.

At the military airport it may take longer to reach one of the beams. All possible “objects” can be moved, this is from Woronesch. Outside the region “Gut durch de Luftverteidigung abgedeckt”, “Verstka” is covered by the following administrative staff.

Russian Beamter rät Bewohnern „ihre nerves are clean“

Since the Freigabe für ATACMS-Angriffe auf Ziele in Russland, de Localregierung jedoch ihre Kommunikationsarbeit deutlich intensiviert,berichtet das russian Medium. A few minutes after reports of “Lichtblitze” in the region, the press service of the regional administration am Montag issues a warning – and one German quicker if the letzten-monaten can occur, it is at “Verstka”. A Beamter reed the residents of the region now dazu, “ihre nerves are clean”, man became sießlich nor “brauchen”.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has responded with US immunity. Jetzt darum, “that the Ukrainians were not warten müssen, that the Rakete over the Grenze flew, without the man that militarischen Abschussbasen, that man of the Dort, that the Rakete was flown, that man that zerstören kann”, said that Grünen- Politikerin im rbb Inforadio. It is a fact that the rights of one’s own interests lie in the ground.

“You are the target of the people in the Ukraine and there is a threat to our people in Europe,” Baerbock wrote on platform X. Putin passionately bombed Kraftwerke and Warmeversorgung. Der Kremlchef wolle “nicht handeln, sondern die Ukraine unterwerfen”, erklärte Baerbock. „We share the common knowledge of having Kraft, so that we can enjoy our food.“

Olaf Scholz blew at Nein zu Taurus-Marschflugkörpern

It has been a long time since the Grünen “is a great partner, who is the British, who is the Franzosen and who is the American,” führte Baerbock aus.

Washington is now under light attack from Russia's ATACMS missiles. In Moscow comes Drohungen - a shrill tone comes from the House of Commons of US President Donald Trump. (Archive image)

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) feels that the light is green for selection. Auch deutsche Taurus-Marschflugkörper will love Scholz nicht and the Ukraine. The SPD relations on the Kurs van Kanzlers in Montag are there. After the divorce in Washington, the Marschflugkörper will no longer be nice, he comes from Berlin. (das/dpa)