Student in power Schluss mit Gesundheits-Wirrwarr im Netz

It is not the case that there is information about the entire war and it is not the case that the correct information is found. Silke Roemer-Scheerer will do this for all health needs.

The Studentin der Pflege an der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten (RWU) has the free useful Homepage Entwickelt, von der aus der Nutzer with one click on a von Roemer-Scheerer prüfte general website with serial information depending on.

Rund 50 Portale hat the student would be one of the worst students in the network. A simple click of a button, which helps you think about Medizin and Marketing.

“The soul is the same, the patients die orientation through a Mischiung aus Prävention (Vorsorge) and Entertainment (Unterhaltung) as light as possible.”

Silke Roemer-Scheerer, Student for Nursing

“I would like to know that the patients and patients who have been treated and provided information about their illness, treatment and background information can be found on the website,” says Silke Roemer-Scheerer. And if all goes well, if you are in Wartezimmer. Statt sich Boulevard-Zeitschrifts anzuschauen, können sie ich auf der Website über “Körper und Wissen” informieren, or “Ernährung und Lebensweise”, über Gesundheitsmythen, “Notfall und Erste Hilfe” or the Arzt-Gespräch. Extra money is for enormous prosperity or negotiation and treatment.

Roemer-Scheerer: “Ziel ist es, the patients die from the orientation during an abuse from the prevention (vorsorge) and entertainment (onderhaltung), so it is not easy to use machines.” The website has its own AI chatbot, which offers an online conversation for the Arztbesuch and some self-tests. Auchkräfte aus dem Bereich Gesundheitswesen sollen here fundamentally.

Zur Zielgruppe heard schwerpunktmäßig diejenigen Menschen, the digital highway since. Before we reach the age of 14 to 30, we will follow the age of 30 to 50. In the 65th century, the student was praised by the University of Nutzer, which established the Gesundheitskompetenz for the genauer Zielgroep which are important matters. “It’s good if a person will save his life,” says Silke Roemer-Scheerer. All information or the conversation for the Arztbesuch can be printed here.

On the website, an RWU student is connected to a series of education at the click of a button.

On the website, an RWU student is connected to a series of education at the click of a button. (Photo: Silke Roemer-Scheerer)

That student in concrete, who goes through incorrect information and is worth reducing the costs of 15 million euros in the German healthcare system.