After the Schlossbahn-Crash im Harz: That’s the disaster!

At the end of April, verunfallte died "Wild Hilde" in Wernigerode, eleven people were lost.

At the end of April, the “Wilde Hilde” was destroyed in Wernigerode, eleven people were lost. © News5 / Grube

On April 28, we saw the disaster with the helpers of “Wilden Hilde” in Wernigerode (Saxony-Anhalt), while the Bahn von der Straße abandoned and waged war in the Straßengraben.

Their favorite guests and their 68-year-old friends were unlikely to be lost.

The Ermittlungen which lasted a while for a year and whose date has been changed, that is most of the tourist trade, which donated nach dem Accident those who had traveled from the Harz.

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Knastzeit für Schulschwänzen: So many Teenies have to go to Jugendarrest

There must be an Ermittler very good for your comfort der “Wilden Hilde” could be – the Fahrer has changed damals, no Bremswirkung spürt zu haben.

The Rätsel is one of the accidents that has not yet been cleared up. Ein more technical Defectwhoever says it, the best is not. It is a smaller Fahrfehler of 68-Jährigen die Unfallursache gewesen, schreibt die Volksstimme.

One of the 68-year-old Fahrers would now perform as an Unfallursache party.

One of the 68-year-old Fahrers would now perform as an Unfallursache party. © News5 / Grube

The Staatsanwaltschaft and the Amtsgericht now decide, the Ermittlungen weigh lighter debts.

There are a few things that need to be discussed medically, you will all be swearing in, and no one has had a chance to talk.

There is a possibility to make a Strafantrag gestellt at all.