Aklassou: »So etwas Krasses habe ich noch nicht erlebt«

Bond Noah Aklassou becomes bald and moves Fußballjahr 2024 to Ende. After being a guest player at SV Schalding-Heining, the bullish Mittelstürmer was released into the Landesliga division in the summer of 1. FC Passau, after the zweijähriger Abwesenheit. It is a Heimatverein training of the 23-year-old Jura student in the U12, who is competing against Punkte and Tore in the BFV-Förderliga.

“There was a lot of excitement, but there will be no surprises during the year”bilanziert Aklassou, from the SV Schalding-Heining in the Vorsaison, who is in the 21st Regionalliga-Einsätze, but no Mal in the Startelf position. However, the Grün-Weißen could not prevent the Abstieg in the Bayernliga. “The war has become enormous, the level in the regional competition is so high. I have fought for a year, one of the Anforderungen in that class of gewöhnen. After the winter break war, the war has become a little better, within an über Kurzeinsätze nicht hinaus Gekommen. The war in the game has been moving for a few minutes, but it is not like anything is happening.Message from the Angreifer, from the fact that the Entscheidung affected hat, the Grün-Weißen after this year we will receive: “The competition in Sturm ist beim SVS is greater and I hate the Befürchtung, because I am in a situation where the situation is not different. The association is heavy because of my living environment, I would like to spend more time with it. Wechsel zum FC the logical Konsequenz that the Zeit am Reuthinger Weg has brought, it has probably become.”

With the Herzensverein steckte Aklassou in the dritthöchsten Amateurklasse alldings erneut at Tablelenkeller fest. “If there is no verletzungspech whatsoever, it may be of some use to us. With Christian Fischer, Umut Orbay and Moritz Bruckmaier we have done their best to look at all the etatmäßige Sechser. Wahnsinn, was in the Letzten Monaten at a alles passionrt ist. So etwas Krasses habe ich noch nicht erlebt”Complains Aklassou, from the team for the winter break, nor two “Big-Point-Matches” for the Brust hat. On the same day, the next day’s actions will take place TB 03 Roding on the Danziger Straße, and a week later the Keller duell will be present during the TSV Kareth-Lappersdorf program. “Two whole weighty games, gilded in this point. If Roding daheim packs, that Richtung stimulates. Sollten wir diese Partie packen, would that be a greater Rückschlag“, meint der Center, der mit seiner bisherigen Torausbeute nicht zufrieden ist: “Eight goals are very few. That’s why we won’t be able to win the season.”

Wesentlich is Noah Aklassou with the Abschneiden Seiner U12-Talente, who dies in the BFV-Förderliga in Tablelenmittelfeld and says: “That with the children’s power, my life fell Spaß. They are extremely willing and eat everything straight away.” Jedoch ist das Engagement in Nachwuchsbereich for the Vollblutfußballer also with some Stress connected. “Consulted on these years, it is not so bad if the training is often interrupted in freezing temperatures on the Stück on the Fußballplatz. Aber ich wolllte es so”schmunzelt der sympathetic Sportler.