37% more Geschäftsabschlüsse durch Besprechungen von Angesicht zu Angesicht
from Editorial,
A new study from the Hospitality-Gruppe Accor said that the personal trajectory is separated from the Geschäftserfolg sind. So hold Live Meetings of experts with a value of 36% and the Vertragsabschlüsse from 37% to 37%.
(Photo: Pexels)
Laut der Accor-Umfrage unter 9,000 Geschäftsreisenden weltweit rechnen 85% met een Umsatzplus von durchschnittlich 36%, if they are present at physical Meetings setzen. Ebenso observes that 74% of the fragments are effective in präsenz verlaufen.
“Our face-to-face meetings have a positive impact of 36% on the future of our global business world,” said Sophie Hulgard, Chief Sales Officer at Accor. “People should keep in touch with each other. When technology converges on the world of the world, there is no question of the Verbindung, the cultural culture and the wirtschaftlichen work, that is a personal beginning.”
And 41% effectively stimulate personal interaction with the Geschäft, without it being a Vertrieb, Vertragsabschlüsse and the whole Geschäftserfolg-geht. Quickly 40% demonstrate the right amount of personal meeting for your work – for 38% it is possible to spend the time and money allowing face-to-face meetings to take place. Darüber is glauben 37%, the personal meetings are separated, one of the onternehmenskultur of the future. 35% strive for higher involvement and team activities, die in Präsenz stattfinden. For 33% of the fragments it is clear that the virtual meetings of the personal sphere erschwerwer, the actual physical exertion in the world of stress.
Kommerzieller Ertrag treibt Geschäftsreisen
Der Haupttantrieb für Geschäftsreisen ist ommerzieller Nature, wobei 34% der weltweit befragten Fachkräfte angeben, dass die Absicht, Verträge abzuschließen, der Hauptgrund für Reisen sei, densely followed by Kundenbesuchen (31%) and Vertragsverhandlungen (30%). Auch der Besuch von Veranstaltungen und Messen hat für 30% der Fachkräfte hohe Priorität. The personal meetings for the Weiterentwicklung der Geschäftsstrategy are the most important basis for Geschäftsreisen (20%).
Virtual tools provide personal interaction
The study said that the personal interaction between the different departments took place in the overview: 92% stopped the meetings in the award ceremony for weighty, 85% estimated the direct results with kolleg:innen. It is a physical process as an effective effective effect – the effect is so dreamlike that it has a virtual format.
A strong Präferenz for Live-Formate said that it falls under the Kundenpräsentationen (68%), Standortbesichtigungen (77%), thus Geschäftsabschlüssen (74 %) and Vertragsverhandlungen (70%). Here you can see the large number of fragments for the Beziehungsaufbau and the worries.
Once you have found the right weight of digital and physical interaction, you need to put Hulgard at ease in a program and a delay abschlusserzielen. The “Faktor Mensch” has a separate inheritance criterion that virtual tools are not set.