ÖH examines student tests for syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea

The Austrian Hochschüler_innenschaft (ÖH) has funded financial tests for Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Research should start with a test in the ÖH-Onlineshop Gutscheine for the free tests. Einlösbar since diese bei the AIDS-Hilfen, dies in alle Bundesländern with Ausnahme von Niederösterreich and dem Burgenland vertreten since.

The ÖH-Bundesvertretung – bestehend aus dem Verband Sozialistiek Student_innen in Österreich (VSStÖ), the Grünen und Alternativen Student_innen (GRAS) and the Communist Student_innenverband – Linke Liste (KSV-LiLi) – proposes a longer study at Gesundheitsmaßnahmen für Studierende. Together with the Bundesjugendvertretung for the free HPV implementation by 30 lobbyists, the ÖH helpline for study results with psychological problems, the study results will be “massively” expanded.

For the AIDS-Hilfen, the free STD tests for Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are a more important factor in prevention. After all, so Andrea Brunner from the Aids Hilfe Wien, saw sexual infections across Europe on the form of the form.