16 Tage tegen Gewalt: Roses against violence, power, Häkeln kämpferisch

In the city library of Innsbruck the Vorbereitung on the “16 Tage gegen Gewalt” lila Rosen is said to be häkelt. The action “Roses against Violence” has become gender-based internationally for the Kampf.

INNSBRUCK. “Ob flauschig oder militant, wichtig ist der Widerstand”, praised by one of the infamous demos for Frauenrechte and to become gender-basierte in the German language. For the first form of broader classes, it is a nonsense that a small woman takes from the Kurzem in the city library of Innsbruck. If you have more lilac Rosen, which were distributed in the action “Roses against Voilence” (Rosen against Voilence) (Rosen gegen Gewalt) in the Straßen Tirols and an öffentlichen Plätzen and on the ever prekärere Lage Zwischen häuslicher Gewalt and Femiziden aufmerksam machen. Begleitet was given by Claudia Grünzweig, who celebrated this Mittlerweile Internationale Aktion 2018 ins Leben.

Gemeinsam statt Einsam

Grundsätzlich can be a way to realize such a project. There is now a lilac Faden, Häkel- and Stopfnadel, as well as Zeit and Geduld. But in the Stadtbibliothek a man with a crochet workshop takes on a communal lifestyle. In a run fuller Gleichgesinnter man could therefore support a German woman, if they were to blame, good and professional service and a certain setzen through their craft.

If you rest and cooperate with the intestines, then war is the Soul of Veranstaltung. | Photo: Alicia Martin Gomez

“It’s so beautiful that we’re going to sit here and crochet. A bonus can’t be for the intestinal splint either. It’s true that it’s done,”

war against the one-sided Tenor of the satirical Damen. If you are undertaking a project, this is one of the things you can do, and that is a way to create a presentation and many more possibilities. When Rose looks into the background. Most of the participation and the owner Wirksamkeit is enormous. When a small idea is born in Venice, the action “Roses against Violence” is implemented in all continents and 60 states in Häkeln. Only Claudia has the beautiful Rosen, other people follow the Beispiel.

Bis zu 20 Leute am Stück häkelten in der Stadtbibliothek Innsbruck. | Photo: Alicia Martin Gomez

Einach mitmachen

The action will increase greater involvement. Jeder and Jede can go home and in the Anschluss de Rosen, with a Shield “Stop Violence” verse, in the most common Raum situations. The last time Claudia’s friend appeared on YouTube in English, the project might be changed.

Auch on Instagram @rosesagainstvoilence and Facebook Can you inform and equip yourself with this action?

Warum Lila?

Schon at the first Frauenbewegungen of the 19. Jahrhunderts war Lila sisterammen with Weiß and Grün the best color, where Lila/Violett symbolizes the Anspruch on the Stimmrecht, Weiß die Ehre and Grün the Hoffnung auf Neubeginn. Lila combines both Gegensätze Rot and Blau and was therefore treated as a mixture of the Geschlechtern – the two-tone Rosa/Rot and the male-dominated Blue – given their Symbolfarbe für Gleichberechtigung. Plakate, Flyer, Kleidung and Co. wurden in Violett content and for a female feminist war that the Farbe bis in the späten 70er a Muss. So the man discusses a Lila Latzhose as recognition of the Frauenbewegung and also the Suffragettes nannten Lila his own.

Lilac gilded as a signal for the Frauenbewegung. | Photo: Alicia Martin Gomez

There can be no connection to the action that is found. So connects man with the Farbe Lila voor allem Veilchen which in Latin is “viola”, with “violentia” “Gewalt” and “violare” “schänden” bedeutete. Both are related to the English and French ‘voilence’, but they do not like the title of the campaign ‘Roses against Voilence’ as much.

I am now a feminist Kampf

The “Roses against Violence” action has gone from being a woman to a long-lasting platform for gender-based women in general. So if you use Rainbow Roses, the symbol becomes a strange phenomenon. This trough draws solidarity from Bundespräsident Alexander van der Bellen.

Time for information

The 16th day was rolled and the woman came on the Zeit Zwitsing of 25. November – the international Memorial for all Women and Mädchen, the Opfer von Gewalt wurden – and the 10. Dezember – the international Tag der Menschenrechte. These action broadcasts are a lot of fun, one of the editions and the different results of Gewalst make the theme more attractive. In the city library of Innsbruck you will find an informative information on a theme “16 days ago” and here on my page the next page on the theme was followed.

More reports from the region you find out HERE!
More about Gleichberechtigung and Frauenthemen:

Equal Pay Day in Innsbruck erreicht

16 Tage v Gewalt

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