Weltweite Krisen: Who man with Klimawandel and Co. ummght

The image said a woman, spreading across the Fenster castle.

We live in unruly times: Who can preserve the inner Ruhe?14.11.2024 | 2:39 min

The Kriege in the Ukraine and in the future will last longer with the Schlag sails. With the Trump-Wahl it will be even more unclear and will no longer follow the Regierungskrise in Germany. Is it possible that people have lost a gefühl of the Hilfsigkeit – who can be a man with the low action? Das empfehlen Experts for mental health.

Who wants global criticism to focus on mental health?

The problems of mental health care here probably fell under the Medienpsychologists Prof. Leonard Reinecke, who did not re-read the criticism of the young German Zeit for more than an indefinite period of time. The outbreak of the Corona pandemic and the climax are announced in the German Alltag as the previous Notlagen, says the expert from the University of Mainz.

Anyone who examines Prof. Eva-Lotta Brakemeier from the Universität Greifswald can explain this global criticism and political Umwälzungen “German Spuren in the mental community of the underlying Population”.

These first steps are often no longer individual, but collective cuts may eventually take hold.

Eva-Lotta Brakemeier, University of Greifswald

Suizid prevention

Start-up offers support for youthful youth10.09.2024 | 9:32 min

Brakemeier, the President of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) and the Mitglied in Wissenschaftsrat ist, both of them are responsible for their climate change, Ukraine-Krieg and the Wahl von Trump as well as of the government in Germany and their common good: an allergen wärtigen Bedrohung.”

Many people from around the world Krisen psychology professor Eva-Lotta Brakemeier have enjoyed the power and control cravings that chronic stress can cause. The long-lasting health benefits of “mental and physical health” can lead to various problems:

  • Anxiety disturbances and Depression
  • For direct flights with Krieg, flights or natural disasters: post-traumatic tax disorders (PTBS)
  • Emotional problems and burnout – in particular, as a man he does not enjoy his own rights
  • Schlafstörungen, Kopfschmerzen or other Beschwerden ohne organic Ursache
  • A sogenante Krisenmudigkeit (“Crisis Fatigue”), because of the emotional depth of the man

Anyway EU facts Umfrage Gab beispielsweise aine Mehrheit von 62 Prozent der Befragten an, durch aktuelle Weltereignisse who the Climate or the Russian Angriffskrieg gegen that Ukraine “etwas” (44 Prozent) or “grimmig” (18 Prozent) beeinträchtigt in your current situation zu sein.

Enjoy the benefits of global health

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Trotzdem is one of the positive effects of criticism on Brakemeier psychology: it is often a great community and solidarity. Many people try to create strong resilience – the quality, with the right amount and the best result.

Is the Welche Gruppen no longer suitable?

Before all people around the world take a critical look at Brakemeier, who is “at a certain stage of life, in the planning and orientation of a rolling game.” When people suffer from a large number of problems with anxiety disorders or depression, they often react more intensely to anxiety. If you see more people intensifying their social engagements “with the most frequent reality of the Krisen”, please contact us.
Transfer of data in the office, processing a stack full of paper stalls

Burnout is a long time “Managerrankheit” more. Die Falle Steigen. Gründe dafür since other nuisance, standard Erreichbarkeit and der Leistungsdruck.24.10.2024 | 14:17 min

Welchen Einfluss has a digital and social media?

While Leonard Reinecke heard “niece van de Ausgangspunkt” of the Krisen op de Wereld, he served as “Überbringer von Botschaften”. Dennoch has gone through the social media of post-processing shipping, now it is the human German schneller and more channels.

Die Möglichkeit, “Krisenlagen in Echtzeit zu begleiten, erhöht in bestimmten Situationen die Unsicherheiten, da gerade am Anfang vaderes noch unclarist ist”, erklärt Reinecke. We all end up on the individual “Social-Media-Menu” and we also follow the algorithm – which is separated from the medial load that has fallen out.

If you no longer see your smartphone, if you respond to the notifications, then the factory tower is over the digital stress.

Leonard Reinecke, University of Mainz

Porträtaufnahme: Laura, a young woman wearing Locken and gelbem Pullover, sits in front of a black background and looks in the room.

Laura is connected to Instagram, Tik-Tok and WhatsApp. Ihr Leben plays fast now nor in the virtuellen Welt ab. If you want to undergo such treatment, it is best to get involved with the treatment.14.10.2024 | 43:27 min

Who can harm a man with Krisen?

In this case, psychologist Eva-Lotta Brakemeier understands the anxiety and fear of people’s natural reaction to the world’s events.

When you enable the button, there are times when you can often use one of the three founding mechanics: Kampf, Flucht, or Erstarren.

Eva-Lotta Brakemeier, University of Greifswald

It is clear that you are “impulsive to take action”, so long as you reflect fear consciously and understand it, you will be able to cope with it (Was good about fear, which is good in the future?). “Diese Selbstbeobachtung can help, the Kontrolle zurückzugewinnen,” says Brakemeier.

Social media

A lot of damage to your smartphone. Digital Detox is only a matter of time – but was it a shame?30.09.2024 | 2:42 min

It’s a shame when others talk to others – an offender may have a negative reaction that can lead to problems. “Vaken sich heraus, dass auch ähnliche Gedanken en Sorgen haben, was een Gefühl von Verbindung und Verstandnis koop kann.”

The psychologist Eva-Lotta Brakemeier said, sich im Anschluss und de Selbstbeobachtung und de Austausch with others Personen in three ways to write their thoughts:

  • Akzeptanz: If you acknowledge that you are important, that is not everything in your life in your own hands. “Things that you can do, which can help you reduce your inner pressure.” Achtsamkeitsübungen or der Akzeptanzstrategies kan gelaseres Verhalten unterstützen.
  • Actives Commitment: “Focussieren Sie sich auf konkrete Bereiche, in denen Sie self etwas bewirken können”, erklärt Brakemeier – bereits small Maßnahmen could beitragen, a Gefühl von Kontrolle and Wirksamkeit zurückzugewinnen. “Whatever you say: small or large expenses you can make if you make a positive impression of your machine?”
  • Selbstfursorge: A long-lasting tax bar and a better way to make the expert pause in the Alltag is: zum Beispiel Zeit für Bewegung or in der Nature, Entspannungstechniken or Medienpausen. If it is the case that “violation” of foreclosure, the personal boundaries of the respecters and the most exciting activities are integrated into the Alltag, there is a new energy for zukünftiges involvement in gewinnen.

If one’s own middle class is identified as a problem, Leonard Reinecke follows these steps for one of the following problems:

  • Die “Schlagzahl” von Push notifications and Benachrichtungen are reduced
  • Pause times or “Ruhe-Inseln” with meeting friends integrated into the Alltag, in the best case of the Bildschirmzeit heruntergefahren wird
  • Weniger Kurzmeldungen follow, dafür auf hinterdigigere Nachrichten zurückgreifen
  • Aber: Eine complete Nachrichtenverweigerung vermeidenthe son of social and social isolation

Intensive use of social media by children and youth activities

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