New Doku about Franz Beckenbauer: So hat man den Kaiser noch nie sehen

First Weltmeister as Player, then Weltmeister as Trainer: Franz Beckenbauer live a fuller life Superlative. There were a few football matches of the time, the power of FC Bayern Munich, was heute ist. It started 78 years ago on January 7, 2024. The new documentation “Beckenbauer – Der letzte Kaiser” appears on the Leben des Kaisers zurück.

Im watching the video with our first viewing!

Franz Beckenbauer – der “Undeutscheste von allen”?

In the documentation you will find a photo of Beckenbauer’s Wesen, your art and your androgynous page. The classic image of a German language is nach Schauspieler Mattias Brandt (63) niece. It is a matter of “the Undeutschesten von Allen”. This is one of the light and restless strength of the football players. The narrator Friedrich Ani (65) describes it as “a special person, with the same attitude, which could come from unknown countries”.

The Kaiser himself said after all: “Was is Germany for me? Germany is the country that I was born in. I was born a Münchner. I am also a small person, and I am a nation of national origins. I am also a human being.” I think it is harder that Nationalität, ein Mensch zu sein.”

Franz Beckenbauer – the androgynous Lichtgestalt

Körperlich gesehen war der Kaiser schmal gebaut and nicht so kräftig wie other Mitspieler. Politician Wolfgang Thierse (81) describes ihn wie folgt: “Der hat ja durchau etwas leicht androgynes. There war yes not a bullier Spieler, there war not small ones, dickes Müller. There war not of strong Netzer, there yes knitting schultrig ist, especially where a thinner eher zarter Spieler, der auch weiche Züge hatte”. Singer Marius Müller-Westernhagen (75) focuses the optical emperor on a certain feminine page zu.

“Beckenbauer – Der letzte Kaiser” will be released on October 31 exclusively on MagentaTV. Many prominent guests can zurück on the Leben des Kaisers, so auch Moderator Gunther Jauch (68). The documentation comes from Grimme-Preisträger Torsten Körner (59), produced by Emmy-Gewinner Leopold Hoesch (55).