Abwehr of Eintracht Frankfurt in Arthur Theate: Stabiles Gerüst | hessenschau.de

It is normal that the battle is about the season, that Eintracht Frankfurt is on the defensive. In Bremen the Abwehr was heralding Arthur Theate in Sieg.

Frankfurt's Arthur Theater (right) said a top leistung against Bremen.

Frankfurt’s Arthur Theater (right) said a top leistung against Bremen.
Image © Imago Images



06:17 min.||o’clock

Highlights: Eintracht Frankfurt – Werder Bremen

In the background you see a Fussball stadium, on the left the Eintracht Frankfurt logo and on the right the Werder Bremen logo

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End of the video recordings

It’s an unfair thing, Robin Koch’s accusation. Not etwa, weil der Verteidiger von Eintracht Frankfurt für seine Leistung vs Werder Bremen (1:0) in irgendeiner Art and Weise criticism become true. But despite that, I actually would have loved to have more work if it happened. Der Abwehrchef des new TableszweitenIf at work you perform a casual eleven-meter kick on unsatisfied weapons in the DFB dress in the sail sail, see that Samstag leaves a personal backstroke untouched.

If the SV war takes place in the Brandung, the battle for the war in the Boden is a fact. Koch strahlte Gelassenheit aus, even then nor, as the Bremen Angriffe in the Schlussminutes wurden as über weite Strecken der Partie. Was the Sache also an unfair force for Koch: In the Eintracht-Abwehr it was a good thing to fall. And an Arthur Theate, plays even better.

Theate “hat unglaubliche Verteidigungsmentalität”

Der Belgier, jijletzt leicht lädiert vom Nationalteam abgereist, said a blitzsaubere Leistung. Gefühlt was a small Zweikampf, but Statistics would not be the best, in any situation, war was in Stelle. “There is an unglazed game mentality, it is a more intelligent game,” on Frankfurter Sporting Prince Markus Krösche. Trotz der defensivmöglichsten Position eines Fieldplayers setzte Theater zdem erstaunlich vale Offensiveimpulse.

The time of the Tages is one of the few marches that has lasted a while, but a schoß is itself one of the Gegners Kasten (if they are in the Fangnetz), nor a beginning of fear with a long ball hint at the Bremer Abwehrkette . “Arthur sees that ball and can play it,” so Krösche. Trainer Dino Toppmöller has had an intense experience with Theate and dessen Vertikalspiel.



18:58 min.||o’clock

The Eintracht-PK after the game against Bremen


Image © hessenschau.de

End of the video recordings

The friendly Tingeltangel-Bob

The Abgang von Willian Pacho hat Theate thinks it is good, the more. The Eisenschädel, who in the HR sport schon bezeichneteis variable when it comes to Vorgänger. Zudem: Obwohl der Mann met de Tingeltangel-Bob-Frisur-duration a platzverweis double pack cashierteIt’s a fact that there is a Villain.

The theater is a friendly Kerl, the first 24 years it is a good time to make a sinful Ansage and the Kollegenmacht. A Mannschaft, a young solch who schaft the Eintracht, solche types.

Collins versus Kristensen: “Möge der Bessere gewinnen”

Type who Rasmus Kristensen is. The sequel to the Bremen-Sieg is out of the Tribüne, would be after another Oberschenkelverletzung aber zum Europapokal-Reisetross in Midtjylland. While the Jugendclub dänische Nationalspieler is making its comeback. Bloß: Ersatzmann Nnamdi Collins who has the status of the highest power, is by constant class leistungen in Abwesenheit Kristensens zum Konkurrenten op Augenhöhe entwickelt.

“It’s not that Blut is one of the best players,” says Collins, “that Harmonie is top. Rasmus is a super player.” There, Collins, has found an “honest competition” and left the lonely Herangehensweise with: “Möge der Bessere gewinnen.”