Travel with the fern: your right at the move or Ausfall

Try a fern or one of the consequences you may experience if the Passage is the best right. The difference between the Railroad and the Flugzeug is one of the most common problems. When I had an Überblick, the man in the Solchen Fällen was a kann, and the woman Hilfe found.

Whoever is gilded at Fernbussen at Zügen and Flügen: Enjoy your travels, enjoy your travel destination straight. In the EU, bus passenger rights for trips over 250 kilometers are easily arranged, with the Europäische Verbraucherzentrum (EVZ) mit. Fall from the bus from another time if the descent takes more than 120 minutes, how man dies:

1. Man can make another connection with another company, while the bus services offer an alternative travel emöglichkeit zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt.

2. If you pay the Ticket price, and incur more costs for your own accounting, with a man who encounters statistics and soul. Letzteres gilded products now, if the busunternehmen themselves make an alternative angebotenhat. The desired means of transport must be compatible with the signal. Bus and Zug zählen dazu, Mietwagen or Taxis hinges now in Ausnahmefällen, so das EVZ.

If you want to know: How the tour bus cannot make this travel option (travel option or travel option), a man on the trip cannot even book half of the ticket prices as another trip.

Carry out the cleaning or Ausfall

Go to the EU portals Your Europe the next answer is that the journey of the tour bus takes longer if the bus is more than 90 minutes further or if it is canceled:

– Mahlzeit und Erfischungen im Verhältnis zur Wartezeit, sofern si im Bus or der im Busbahnhof versügbar since.

– This means that you will have to pay extra for your next night with a high price of 80 euros per person and also be aware of the costs of the bus service. (The gold-plated offer is not, if the Ursache for Verspätung or Annullierung were extreme Wetterverhältnisse or Naturkatastrofen – then must the Unternehmen keine Übernachtungen zahlen.)

Kein Platz more on Fernbus free

All these straight paths can also travel if you do not have an overbooking option – also if you have more free tickets.

The war with the bus is so difficult, and the man who carries out a check while the Fahrschein intervenes is an unerlässlich, Nachweise zu sichern. I’m the best man taking a picture of his bus, a soda man can be a man for war and no attempt. A man who just calls can get an alternative to solve the charges.

Die Fahrt mit Zeitpuffer buchen

How one can take a bus trip and take a trip or a flight, it is in the bus travel rights another way to cause damage. You will often notice that the Gelder is on that road when it comes to a farm, warn the EVZ. I’ve got the gang focused on the target.

Darum raten Verbraucherschützer: Lieber with Zeitpuffer buchen, wenn man zu bestimmten Termin resistance – also like that, that man im Fall from Problems auch with a späteren Connection nor right can come.

It is a bigger problem with the Bahn and the flight: Während stets the Ankunftszeit am Ziel and for the Entschädigungen maßgeblich ist, since es bei Fernbussen the Abfahrtszeiten. Verspätete Ankünfte hinges on the Fernbusfahrten Kein Fall for the Fahrgastrechte, i.e. the sister Eisenbahn-Bundesamt. Der Grund: Besonderheiten im Straßenverkehr – wie een staus – kan een man als Unternehmen nicht beeinfussen.

Anlaufstellen voor een Beschwerde

Your first partner is the Fernbusanbieter. Laut EVZ hat man drei Monate Zeit für eine Beschwerde, erLegtt das aber am besten Zeitnah. Fahrscheine und Quittungen sollte man in Copy einreichen und de Originale für Rückfragen aufheben.

If you come to a new home, you can find yourself in a similar country: your Europe will be yours Overview of policy for the EU states. Das Portal is generally a company that generally conducts research into the bus guest rights that a man can inform sich je nach aufgetretenem Problem (no problems and problems with B. on the packaging).

In Germany is that Eisenbahn-Bundesamt for the Durchsetzung von Fahrgastrechten in the Eisenbahn-, Schiffs- and Busverkehr-zuständig. You can enter an online form and a free citizen telephone for far guest rights under 0228/30795-400 (Mon. – Thurs., 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.).

Kommt man zu keiner Einigung with dem Busunternehmen, kann die in Deutschland Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr free of charge and exchange – sofern der Fernbusanbieter dort Mitglied ist.

More information about rights for bus travel: European Sales Center:; Your Europe:; Description of the Federal Sports website:; Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr:
