Luxembourg: Serie von Einbrüchen – Polizei sucht nach Zeugen

In Greisch (Um Seintchen) and in Buschdorf (Am Moul) Samstagabend sich Einbrecher is a Fenster Zugang through the Räumlichkeiten provided, teilt the Police Grand-Ducale am Montag mit. Der Zeitpunkt des Einbruchs schätzt die Polizei in Greisch between 7 and 7.30 pm ein, in Buschdorf between 5.30 and 10.30 pm.

“Those things can cause unintentional flight and dementia issues,” so they radiate. Citizens have been bitten, they can deal with the conviction of individuals and people in the community who have both made a tattor and spent time with the service of the judicial police under the telephone number (+352)244601140 or report by email to [email protected].

Insgesamt stelle die Polizei in letzter Zeit landesweit vermehrt Einbrüche fest. “Suspicious Persons are always reported to be hidden under the Notruf 113.” If it’s okay Website list of the Grand Ducal Police Ratschläge zur Einbruchsprävention auf.