thyssenkrupp Steelworks majors Stellenabbau – Pierer Industrie starts Restrukturierungsprogramm (Raiffeisen Bank International AG)

Wien ( – Germany’s largest Stahlkonzern thyssenkrupp Steel (+2.16%) plans an important place in Stellenabbau, so the Analysts der Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI).

Innerhalb von Sechs Jahren sollten 11,000 derzeit 27,000 Laborplätze abgebaut became, one of the Unternehmen who are profitable to make, because of the other, because of high energy costs and unfair subventions Konkurrenzproducts from China were produced.

The American Kaufhausriese Macy’s (-2.21%) has seen a quarter of a news release. While this is happening, there will be a cost savings of USD 154 million. in the Büchern unterschlagen habe. It may be “absichtlich”, but there are more details about the background of the page.

The American Raumfahrtunternehmen Rocket Lab (+3.44%) is in Wochenende nicht seine 56. Mission is complete, without further ado, starts within 24 days.

Die Pierer Industrie AG has started a restrukturierung program. Der Fokus liege auf der Kürzung von Tilgungen und Zinszahlungen kommen. The KTM Mutter action is 30% complete. (26.11.2024/ac/a/m)