Unfall in the Deggenhausertal: Car crash after crash with Auto Böschung hinab

In the Deggenhausertal the service form of an Unfall is a fact. A Lkw, with a Bagger loaded war, force with an Auto-zusammen and rutschte a Böschung-hinab.

A loss and damages of more than 10,000 euros because the Bilanz was an accident in service on the L204 near Fuchstobel in the Deggenhausertal (Bodenseekreis). After the police bisherigen of an 82-year-old man driving Opel in Richtung Urnau, if the Zeugenaussagen go along the gegenfahrspur. Was the Grund war, it is unclear.

This time of year it was a matter of 40 years with the traffic light on the way. If you hang a means of transport, there is a Bagger. Der Lkw-Fahrer does not work out the Opel. But that does not depend on the whole: Both vehicles strive together.

Unfall with light in the Deggenhausertal – Mann is in Auto eingeklemmt

Der Lkw kam anschließend von der Straße ab en rutschte eine Böschung hinab. The car is seriously damaged on the road. During the intense warming of the 82’s in the car clamping and delay. The Feuerwehr must be released. Anschließend brought the Rettungsdienst to the Krankenhaus.

L204 is completely blocked for Lkw-Bergung

The 40-year-old Lkw-Fahrer remained undisturbed. The Bergung seines Gespanns is jedoch external, so the Polizei. Demnach would neither be the geese Nachmittag andauern. The L204 is the full message, reports the Polizei. The Straßenmeisterei has a simple, purposeful representation.