Shock incident in Ulm: Beifahrer von Drogensünder erfasst!

Vorfall Traffic sunset
Uhrzeit 11:00 am
Ort Göppingen
Verletzte 1
Saxony in € 1000
Ursache Drogenkriminalität

On the day of service, around 11 am, you will find yourself in Rechberghäuser Straße for a dramatic Unfall. A 59-year-old Lkw-Fahrer wants to drive back in a Hofeinfahrt-fahren with his Mercedes Atego and switch on the warning flashing light as well as the orange Rundumleuchte. If your 49-year-old Beifahrer goes to war, a 37-year-old Fahrer with a Peugeot Klein-Lkw and the Stehenden Lkw vorbei – and übersah dabei the Beifahrer becomes full. Tragically: The man was born in Switzerland, the driver of the Mercedes and the Peugeot was singled out and thus suffered a loss.

The Rettungsdienst killed the Unfallopfer in a Krankenhaus. The police are there and the stellte fest, the Peugeot-Fahrer is on the stand of the Dry Influss. A Blutentnahme would be an angeordnet. If the family is from Czechia and has a small family home in Germany, there must be a security deposit of 1,000 euros in the background and a fuehrerschein wurde beschlagnhmt. If you’re out of ideas, this is it.

Ort des Geschehens

Analyze Quellen, the best report: 5
Social media comments analyzed: 10
Analysis of the analysis: 5