Irre Serie an Bombendrohungen geht more: Unbekannter terrorisiert jetzt Schulen

The police would send more bombings by email.

The police would send more bombings by email.
©APA (Sujet)

Seit Montag is a new Welle and Bombendrohungen. More Bildungseinrichtungen and Gebäude in Wien, Tyrol, Styria and Burgenland must be evacuated. became sensible.

Since the bombardment of the Germans has been carried out and further developments in Austria have been completed: A military war is sweeping the Bundeshauptstadt Wien, with an expansion of the national police department of the best APA. Am Mittwoch kam es nun zu Drohungen in other Bundesländern. In Eisenstadt the war affected the Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule, in Tyrol, among other things, the Bildungsdirektion. The police überprüft the Vorfälle, this is zur APA.

Bombendrohungen in more Bundesländern:more Bildungseinrichtungen in Österreich

Beimt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung war ein E-Mail met oper Drohung eingelangt. Dieses dürfte sich de Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule be oriented, the Schülerinnen and Schüler must verlassen the Vormittag swisstijd van Gebäude. In the Burgenland National Police Directorate, the best man on the APA attack on the previous one is a drought.

In the Bundesshauptstadt, the police had two open actions in the Innenstadt and in Wien-Landstraße, as many as a Gebäude in Wien-Donaustadt. “These messages were sent by email due to an unbekannte Täterschaft verschickt”, it was clear in a speech. If all the internal materials are incorporated, “they could be set up after the fact that little progress could be made in the jeweiligen Gebäuden festgestellt zijn”, this is es.

Orders will be sent by e-mail

Auch in der Steiermark goes a Bombendrohung. The Bildungsdirektion was hit here at 9 a.m. Beim police Einsatz “were all durchsucht and keine suspicious Gegenstände gefunden”, who is the opinion of the Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark hieß. Evacuierung war laut Polizei nicht nicht nundi. Because the war in communications has not reached the big Glocke, man cannot motivate a Trittbrettfahrer.

In Tyrol, the war was no longer affected by service units of the Bundes and Landes, but also by the Bildungsdirektion in Innsbruck. The problem was sent by email, such as a police preference for the APA. The executive went over a “geringen-gefährdungslage” while he did not go through Evakuierung. Before the problem arose, the Sprengstoffspürhunde were covered, here’s what. At 12:00 noon the final observations were made, after the “few suspect cases” were founded.

Polizei-prüft-mögliche Zusammenhänge zu suspectigem Schweizer

The Vorfälle ends up in a series of Bombendrohungen at Bahnhöfe in the entire Österreich in the Vergangen Monaten. In mid-October, a 20-year-old suspect could be recruited in Switzerland.

On the 20th anniversary of the case with the young Drohungen, or a Trittbrettfahrer handle, a speaker from the Ministry of the Interior of the APA was reported with. Problems can arise with a federal service that becomes the Directorate of State Protection and Nachrichtendienst (DSN) or the Federal Criminal Office in the Ermittlungen eingebunden, this is it.