Brief about the Bundestagswahl 2025: Antrag, Fristen, Fehler

On February 23, 2025 we will see the Bundestagswahl an. We are happy to give you a brief overview, but you must be right about those lower layers. The most important information in the list:

Wer Darf Briefwahl machen?

The Antwort is one of the following: All Wahlberechtigten Dare to complete your stimme per Briefwahl. Otherwise if he braucht is heute small triftigen Grund mehr, warum man am Wahlsonntag nicht ins Wahllokal marchschieren might.

Aber: Man muss sich selbst darum kümmern, die Briefwahlunterlagen für de Bundestagswahl 2025 zu erhalten, zu erhalten, verlichte form of use en rechtzeitig zurückzubringen or -schicken. The Ort der Briefwahl is the Gemeinde separated from the Erstwohnsitzes. Dort retorts to the man who briefwahlunterlagen.

Who come into the lower layers for the Bundestagswahl?

The correspondence must be carried out at the home community (Erstwohnsitz). The intention is for the Bundeswahl leader to carry out the Wahlbenach direction niece hereditary orderlich. The further we go, if the man is not white, the man advised the antrag on the briefwahl.

The Antrag can be largely online in the Gemeinden form. It is possible that you will hang up the Fortschritt during digitization in cities and municipalities.

Responses to the underlying forms can be written or emailed. Dabei müssen Vor- and Surname, Geburtsdatum and Wohnanschrift are changed. It is possible that the Wahlamt behaves and abzuhols the underlayers personally. This autumn people can focus on filling and in the Wahlurne wharf. If the underlying layers are painted, it is likely that the time for the Wahl is complete, nor is it absehbar.

By telephone it is niece möglich, die Unterlagen anzuordern.

Ab wants can I undergo the short-term treatment?

The Antwort is kurz and knapp: Die Briefwahlunterlagen können soft were confronted. The Landeswahlleitungen in Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg have come under an SWR attack.

Notes: The correspondence was first revived by a German späteren Zeitpunkt, when it was more that the Wahlvorschläge-zugelassen and the stimmmzettel were printed. Since the Bundestagswahl 2025 on February 23, the last time the last phase of the Bundestagswahl had ended, the Fachleute davon aus, dass für die Briefwahl deutlich weniger Zeit zur Verfügung stehen wird. Wähler and Wählerinnen also often consider that the underlying layers are straight in order to paint the Wahl. Then there will be little time, because of the ausgefüllten Unterlagen and the Gemeindeverwaltung zurückzuschicken.

The Rhineland-Pfälzische Landeswahlleitung concretet: “Diese Transportgefahr for the right time of the Unterlagen bei the Gemeindeverwaltung tragen die Wählerinnen und Wähler.” If you work again, you will have to wait a short time before entering the Gemeinde or the Stadtverwaltung of your utility. The Landeswahlleiderin von Baden-Württemberg, Cornelia Nesch, stopped with the Versand der Unterlagen by the Gemeinde and the Wahlberechtigten bis zum first dishes A meeting with the old Wahlbehörde a first of two weeks for processed.

In a theoretical sense, a man can see the short term for the Freitag for the Wahl – also for February 21 – at 6 p.m. But the roads of the long Postlaufzeiten is practically kaum möglich, the Unterlagen pünktlich wieder abgeben zu können – es sei denn, man erempts everything for Ort im Amt personallich: abholen, ausfüllen, abgeben.

Bis do you want to have my letterwahl spatestens emptied?

The first one here is: Am Wahlsonntag (also available on February 23) with the time of day with the last days 18 hours before the time of the Wahlumschlag angebenen Address signal.

The beach is: The post has had a good preparation, however short it is. From January 1, 2025, longer Fristen will act as bisher. If someone cannot have any überprüfen, he wants to read his own Wahlbrief by post, it is the safest variant: so who can stay away from it.

If you want, you can put the people on the lower levels in the mailboxes. In all cases, the Wahlberechtigten themselves are of great tragedy, that is the Wahlbrief pünktlich ankommt.

There are a few rules that need to be set on the short beach. This is one of the brands that the Merkblatt notes, it is the Wahlunterlagen that are geschickt.

If the stimulator can be stimulated, one of the links can be a direct candidate or an immediate candidate. This is the only first time. If the Kreuz has power over the rights of any part, it is the Zweitstimme. The stimmmzettel-muss dann zum Schluss in the stimmmzettelumschlag was steckt, the zugeklebt became muss. Dieser Umschlag is white.

Have the Wählerinnen and Wähler on the Wahlschein write down the Eidesstattliche Erklärung and send it with the date. Make sure that the incentive scheme has steckt the Wahlschein in the Wahlbriefumschlag. Auch der wird zugeklebt. The Wahlbriefumschlag sucks.

If the Wahlbrief were to be printed, the Briefmarke would be ready to be printed. Ausnahme: Wer vom Ausland aus wählt, muss den Rückbrief frankieren.

Achtung Stolperfallen – do you want my stimme niece?

Little Fehler can no longer fly, if a Wahlbrief is not good, the Stimme is also not zählt. As Beispiele führt de Bundeswahlleiterin Ruth Brand diese Fall auf:

  • The Wahlbrief will come soon – also after 18 hours on the Wahlsonntag
  • It is not Wahlschein with the eidestattlichen version of the Wahlbrief – or the Wahlschein is impatient, but the Unterschrift is fehlt
  • der Stimmzettel fehlt
  • The brief is not that simple
  • It is a normal note that is used by the use of the cutlery
  • an environment that is truly enjoyable

Demokratieforscherin Theres Matthieß über formale Fehler bei der Briefwahl:

Introduce more people to the last years of the short term. At the Vergangen Landtagswahlen in Baden-Württemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz 2021, more people are alive and well away. For the Stuttgarter Landtag the war was more than half of the Wählerschaft, for the Mainzer Landtag it was the second Drittel.

In the Bundestagswahl 2021, the Anteil der Briefwählerinnen en Briefwähler jijetzt was 47.3 Prozent Prozent. In Rheinland-Pfalz der Anteil sogar noch höher: Hier wählten more than 60 Prozent per Letter.

The graph said that it was one of the years that the grim rising Anteil and Briefwählern bei Bundestagswahlen, for everything in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Verfassungsrechtler can be concerned with coming up with ideas about dieser Entwicklung. The Freiheit der Wahl is one of the Geheimheit (besides Wahlrechtsgrundsätze) that is in a spannungsverhältnis zur Briefwahl, says the Verfassungsrechtler Markus Ogorek of the Universität Köln 2021 dem Deutschlandfunk. While I’m cooking, I’m out of control, my secret is a secret and freely intervened.

The state judge Alexander Thiele of the Uni Göttingen no longer sees the Gleichheit der Wahl. Once this story is done, the most theoretical knowledge of the knowledge is from research. “There is an Abstimmende who has a späteren Stimmabgabe ‘Sonderwissen’, can separate the legitimate dividing line in the seriousness of the matters, weil auch früher Abstimmende with that knowledge otherwise abgestimmt hätten and the Ergebnis der Wahl then under Umständen not that tatsächliche Morerheitsmeinung reflects more broadly.”

Demokratieforscherin Theres Matthieß von der Uni Göttingen kan nach eigener Aussage diese Denken nachvollziehen. If you now have an idea yourself, it is a matter of a Wahlbetrug to the Briefwahl you get. “If you have a bigger influence on the Wahlausgang, then pay your dues.”