Cultural tips for Aachen, the city region of Aachen, Düren, Heinsberg, Belgium and the Netherlands


Man knows Tony Carey as an American-American songwriter, his hits include “Room With A View” and “A Fine, Fine Day”. Other people know the producers of Peter Maffay (“Tabaluga en das leuchtende Schweigen”) and Milva. Other people know Carey as the keyboardist of the hard rock band Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow in the 1970s. „Lucky Us“ is the active album of 71-Jährigen, which was released in Germany, it was first with piano and orchestra. Seine Musik presents Tony Carey on November 29 at 8 PM at a Concert in Aachener Franz live for.

“Alles wird weiß – Das große Weihnachtskonzert” is the title of concerts with music Johannes StankowskiSeiner Band and the Children’s and Youth Choir of the Theaters Aachen, at 30 November at 16 pm in the Großen Haus des Theaters stattfindet. Bringing a festive New Year’s Eve with the Singer-Songwriter Song of the Winter Albums “Everything is White” to the stage and thus ending the Advent season. In the songs of the Cologne songs it becomes a Schlittenfahren, a Nikolaus, a Jahreswechsel, a Kuschelige Stunden van het Huis and of course a Weihnachten.

The legendary heavy metal band Anvil Comes on November 30 for a concert in Nieuwe Norn in Heerlen. Wenn von de influsssreichsten Bands der Metal-Geschichte die Rede, Anvil is often generated. The group from Toronto, Canada, with Steve “Lips” Kudlow and Robb Reiner, is bassist Chris Robertson, who has never ended his career and that there are a number of international acts with Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer influsst nachhaltig. Start the concerts, at the Anvil ihr new album “One and Only” were introduced, at 7 pm.

Rapper Denyoborn in the Hip-Hop Group Absolute Beginner, comes for a solo concert at the Club Barbarossa in Aachen. Begin des Auftritts am 30. November is at 10 PM.

On November 30 as solo guest at the Aachener Club Barbarossa: Rapper Denyo of the Absolute Beginner. Photo: Tim Griese

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Mit Hauschka alias Volker Bertelmann hosted one of the leading German composers and pianists of the New Music in the Aachener Musikbunker on December 1st at the 19th hour at the “Schnittstellen” Festival. With the output of Dutzend Studio-alben, zahllosen Productionsbeteiligungen and Mixes as well as Collaborationen ist Hauschka zu einem desireeten Komponistenen en Arranger avanciert. Für seine Filmmusik-Kompositionen is more than the most heavily nominated film awards; 2023 is an Oscar for our work and “I am not new” Das Konzert is bestuhlt.

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Aufgewachsen in Deutschland, ausgebildet in New York City und nun zu Hause in Neufundland in Canada, met de gebürtige Nürnberger Jazzpianist und Komponist Florian Hoefner zu seinem eigenen Stil gefunden. When performing solo projects with the Big Band, it is an explorer and a better art on the Platz on the zeitgenössische Jazz. On December 1, Hoefner will tour Germany and Italy in the trio with Andrew Downing (bass) and Nick Fraser (Schlagzeug) and will perform in Dieser Konstellation on December 1 at 8 p.m. in Dumont nach Aachen.

Nikita Lev will be released in 2023 with his first single and thus experience the luxury of the dry radio stations and on Spotify. In July 2024, the New York multi-instrumentalist’s first EP was released with ‘I Believed It at the Time’, a journey through a young woman in the emotional world of the world. Levs Texte deals with isolation and introspection, where indie vibes enhance the tension in the human sphere. At 2. This month there will be music at 20 pm in the Aachener Domkeller. Support: Singer-Songwriter Adam Lytle.

Zur Beschwörung des weak Stimmungsbarometers wollen die Zucchini Sistaz all Sin answers: Festlich grüne Abendroben heard dazu, ebenso wie das gemeinsame Nüsseknacken und das Mandarinenpulen. The Swing Trio presents its years for all Christmas songs from all Herren Länder. Geschmückt das Konzert am 2. Dezember at 8 pm in Haus der Stadt in Düren and in Rahmen der “SWD-Kommedy-Abende” with the glittering Klangfarben von Flugelhorn, Clarinette, Glockenspiel, Akkordeon, Ukulele, Posaune and many more sounds.

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The ‘Tasmanian Teufel’ gibt is not yet on the Australian island in the Indian Ocean, but on the Bühnen der Welt – you are nachdem Rob Tognoni gerade auftritt. The blues rock guitarist who has the idea that it is good: a “fiery and dynamic guitar playing” is the red one in an active work text, which comes from “explosive energy”. The 64-year anniversary with friends including Sting, ZZ Top and Bo Diddley on the stage came on 3 December at 8.15 pm for a concert in Rio after Eschweiler. Info: [email protected].

The Belgian Band Boogie beasts interpret his favorite blues at its own art and weise level, which is as popular as The Black Keys with Jamming with John Lee Hooker in the early morning hours at an illegal party that gets started. Since last year, the Quartet plays at various Clubs and Festivals in Europe. New light that year illuminated the Boogie Beasts in the album “Neon Skies & Different Highs”. Songs will be recorded at the concert at 5. December at 8 p.m. at the Alten Schlachthof in Eupen.

Comedy and Cabaret

Christmas program des Springmaus-Ensembles with Sketches, Songs and Impro-Comedy. In “Auf die Tanne, fertig, los! Merry Christmas is a wonderful Christmas holiday with your friends and family with such a wonderful Christmas time. Schon mal dem Christkind via Facebook zum Geburtstag gratis? If there is a problem, there may be some mild consequences from your arrival. Stattdessen heißt es: Pack your suitcase, visit the family! Or the entire luggage falls in a self-made manner with a horde of huns. Am 29. November since the “Springmäuse” at 8 p.m. in the Stadthalle Alsdorf zu Gast, am 30. November at 8 p.m. in Bürgersaal Roetgen.

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In the Christmas comedy “Der Messias” by Patrick Barlow the recorded Komiker-Duo provides Fischer & Jung also Theo and Bernhard for Slapstick and Klamauk en masse. I went to the Eschweiler Talbahnhof on December 3 at 8 p.m., not for a glimpse of Weihnachtsgeschichte, but for a parodic theater above the theater. If you are cost-effective, you can skip using a single spotlight and view all the reels yourself so that they can both be used. We listened to Josef and Maria around Schafe, Kamele and other historically glamorous Christmas experiences.


Bevor Mozart’s Oper “The Magic Flute” in a Fassung for Schulklasses and the whole family on 8. Dezember Premiere in the Großen Haus des Theaters Aachen is interesting, it is interesting to do a cost-free investigation in the Spiegelfoyer of the Theaters. Start at 3am. December is at 7 p.m.

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In all worlds there is a miracle of zest and lust for life. Fantasy of the Leiden traditions on all continents, with wit and humor in Europe, Tibet, India and other countries, were presented by the Schauspielerin Mona Creutzer of Theater K and der Musikerin Sonja Mischor and in her musical-literary Abend voler Lustbarkeit unter dem Titel “Ozume – Göttin der Sinne” conceives. Die Veranstaltungen are 6., 7. and 13. December starts in Aachener Stadtbad jeweils at 7.30 PM.

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Elli and Robert have been separated for three years and are moving in together with their new partner. Erwachsenen Kinder erasure has not happened yet. Erneut is sacred with the family of the family, but the partner is happy. But das Versteckspiel flies into the air as Robert’s new partner. If they let the residents know the information, they will ask. After all, the children became secret stories. That Comedy “Everything under a Tanne” is still present in the Grenzlandtheater Aachen.

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The Belgian King-Baudouin-Stiftung überlässt dem Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum in Aachen swölf bedeutende Werke from the Sammlung des Stifterpaares Hanns von der Ohe and Renate Luck as Dauerleihgabe. Die Gemälde aus dem 19. Jahrhundert führen zentrale Vertreter der Niderländischen und België Landschafts- en Genremalerei in de Sammlung ein en erweitern de Presentatie der Düsseldorfer Schule. You can shed light on the cultural connections in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. You can see the work on December 3 in the Ausstellung “Künstlerische Nachbarschaft”.

The Photo Museum at the Vrijthof in Maastricht presents a retrospective exhibition of American documentary photos with “We’re All People”. Joseph Rodriguez. Said 75 photographs of most marginal people groups and their camps in the Alltag. The statues are set in New York City and Los Angeles in the 1980s and 1990s. With a laborious work, international Rodriguez Ruhm is created in the World of Photography. For a first European retrospective, an examination of the series would have struck a fun iconic series. (until 2.2.25)

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The world of Crimea reflects reality more broadly. Who sees it with the Kriminalität in the Border Region in our country? And who has walked with criticism and purpose in recent years? Straftatbestände wie Ketzerei und Schadenszauber since schon long nicht more Gegenstand von Prozessen. Polizei und Justiz beschäftigen sich mit Cyberbetrug, Drogenhandel, häuslicher Gewalt, organizers of Kriminalität and many others, their unjustified Straftatbeständen. Die Ausstellung “Tatort Heimat! True Crime in the Region“ inform us about the explanations and audio files about the major herausforderungen in the Kriminalität, the police, the judicial staff and the medial message statistics that have changed. (until 27.4.25)

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