Google Chat implements Huddles for audio communications

Google has a new job title for Huddles conceiveswhile the Team collaboration is not yet completed. Each new feature is a way to start an Audio-First-Meeting via Google Meet in a separate phase to start. These can be used freely, while the human interacts in the chat and is free from the screen. The new Huddles can be found in 1-zu-1-Chats, in Groups available in Spaces. If you are planning the Huddles hands-on with Google in the fall, if you want to do a project update, your chat may be written.

Darüber can the Tech-konzern a connection with the Chat-Oberfläche-vorgenommen. You will find the new Schaltfläche “Video meeting” in the Chat-Kopfzeile. From a new position when starting a line, a Huddle start or a Meet-Link function. If you have found a Benutzer on a Huddle, the Benutzers are affected in the Nachrichten-Thread entsprechend benachrichtigt. After you click on “Beitreten”, the audio meeting has started. (dock)