Collaboration for IT Security – Kommune21 online | Commune21

(29.11.2024) SEP, Hersteller der Datensicherungslösung SEP sesame, ist jetzt Mitglied des Databund. The Deutschland-based Backup-Lösung will be adopted by the institutions of the institutions. With the Betritt zu Databund, SEP will fördern the Austausch with others Actenuren of the öffentlichen Verwaltung.

Like new Mitglied ist jetzt SEPTGerman Hersteller of Backup and Disaster Recovery Software, dem Verband Data bundle fritters. With the Beitritt, SEP will no longer stimulate its own company in the sector, but also in the future and the Austausch will start with other companies in the sector. In connection with the datensicherungslösung SEP-sesame, a number of strange things and a number of other things were often done in Germany as a sincere eingesetzt. Others will visit the Stadtwerke Potsdam and the Landkreis Mittelsachsen.

“Unsere Software Made in Germany with high standards of security and data protection standards,” says Susanne Moosreiner, CEO of SEP AG. The backup solution has replaced the repairer of a knitting palette and system. When you use backdoors, secrets are also kept and if you no longer have security, others can do so. The Kunden became with SEP sesame the central Backup-Verwaltung verschiedener, heterogeneer Umgebungen ermöglicht. Zum Schutz for Ransomware integrates the Lossung so that immutable Lossungen are generated. Use SEP the Cloud Application Protection Service (CAPS) for DSGVO-compliant Cloud-zu-Cloud-Backups for platforms with Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Google Workspace and Salesforce. Conformity guarantees with DSGVO, NIS-2 and more were carried out with full control.

“Wir friends, SEP as new Mitglied will come zu heißen,” says Databund-Geschäftsführer Detlef Sander. “Der Verband is a strong platform for the Austausch von Wissen and Innovationen, and SEP bring with the creation of data information about a better Mehrwert.”